mangle's thoughts

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Mangle's POV
' i dont know why i get this feeling but, every time i'm with springtrap, he makes me feel like i'm special and makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, and everytime im around him my heart beat speeds up like REALLY fast and its just- i-its---hard to explain okay,i mean i never felt this feeling before, its new to me and i really want to know why, 'cause this feeling is different from when i'm around foxy,when i'm around foxy everythings all normal, my heart beat doesn't speed up i don feel all fuzzy and i don't feel all that special around him, and i ant to know why? I really want to know why, welp if its anything i'll just talk to chica, chica's been my bff since the very begining and she's been helping me alot, and i know she'll be able to give me the answer to this feeling.

'I walk down the halls going to the kitchen, where chica mostly hangs out, hopefully she'll be there. I saw chica making pizza... again, i walk up to her "hey chica, can we have a girl to girl talk?"i asked  "oh sure anything you want"she said, she walke up to the table in the party room and contiued "so what did you want to talk about?"  I looked around the party room, luckily no one was there "its just i've been having this feeling every time i'm around springtrap" i replied  "what kind of feeling?" She asked  "everytime i'm around him i feel all fuzzy and warm inside and-- and ge makes me feel special and my heart beat it speeds up like crazy and i-i dont understand this feeling, so i came to you for answers" i answered  "and you came to the right person AND it seems to me that you like springtrap~😄 she says smiling widely, i look at her like shes a crazy person  "w-wait what now?" I said confused  "i said you like him,believe it or not but its the truth"      " b-but i-"   " now chop chop i need you to get out so i can finish making my pizza" she said pushing me out the door *sigh* this is gonna be a long day and i still haven't gotten my answer.

Hey guys sorry for not updatin for weeks ive been really bussy i just joined choir like i guess a month or two ago but then i realized it was taking my time that i should've used in making my assignments so now i'll have more time to update anywayss bye!!

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