fight for love pt2

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Sorry if foxy is a bit ooc here

Mangle's POV
"I woke up in a dark unknown room , i tried to stand up , but my head started to hurt badly , causing me to fall back down,  " mangle , dear , i see you've awoken " someone said to me , but  because it was too dark i couldn't see who it was or where was the voice coming from  "w-who's there!?" I said fanticaly looking around  " oh how sad , my own friend dosen't even recognize me" the voice said   "w-wait....f-f-foxy?!" I said , my heart was beating really fast , then the lights suddenly turned on " why , hello dear" he said grinning creepily   " foxy! Why am i here?!? What are you going to do to me?!?! " i asked  " oh don't worry dear i'm not gonna do anything bad to you , so don't be afraid " foxy said   "th-then why am i here?! And why are you doing this to me!?"

I said   " oh mangle i'm only doing this for your own good , and beside in this way no one can take you away from me , especialy that piece of shit springtrap , oh whatever i have something planned for him anyways , something that will erase him from this world forever! "  he exclaimed  " tell me foxy! How is this good for me and what are you gonna do to springtrap!!" I said worried about springtrap  " oh don't worry dear you will know soon and i'll make sure you have front row seat , but before that i need to make sure that your not going to escape " he said pulling hand cuffs and chains behind him  "w-wait what are you gonna-hmmppff " i was cut off by him taping my mouth , after that he took the hand cuffs  and hand cuffed me , i tried to struggle out of it but he was too strong , next he took the chains and chained my hands to the ground while i was in a sitting position , i tried to kick him but he dodged it quickly  " now , now lets not get agressive now shall we?" He said " mmppff! Mmmppppppffff!!!" My yells was muffled out by the tape on my mouth, TO BE CONTINUED....


Welp another chapter done!! Anyways see you guys soon ... hopefully..👋👋

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