foxy's nightmare pt2

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Foxy's POV

"I woke up panting and gasping for air , i guess i know my fear now ,fear of getting rejected .

present time ~~ still foxy's POV

" i need to act now or else springtraps going to steal mangle away from me , and i can't let that happen,never,but how....hmmm, oh! How about, i'll ask her to hang out with me,yeah!thats it!,we can play games,tell jokes,eat pizza ( hehe...) you know what i'll ask mangle right now,hopefully she'll agree

Third person

"Foxy dashed out of the pirates cove and into the party room , where mangle is,there he saw her talking to springtrap,he wanted so badly to kill springtrap,right there and right now, but he couldn't, he knew mangle didin't desrve to see such sight,mangle only deserved the best.There he walked in and asked mangle   "u-umm m-m-mangle" he said stuttering as he goes  "yes foxy?" mangle said curiosity lacing her voice 
"w-will you hangout with me?" "Oh! Sure! I'd love to" she said  "really, oh then meet me at the pirates cove later,well see you then,bye!" He said excitement in his voice
"Ok! Bye!" mangle said

Mangle's POV

'Foxy is so sweet,asking me to hangout, normally i should be the one asking ,i guess he wants to get to know me better- my thoughts were cut off by springtrap "so you're going to hangout with him" he said 
"Yeah i want to get to know him better, ..wait are you...jealous~" i said poking him
"W-what n-n-no of course not, why would you think that" "oh nothing~ ,maybe beacause you guys already confessed,i only thought of it as a small crush,but now since you're jealous , then you must really like me~~"  springtrap blushed 50 shades of red.

Springtraps POV

" oh man i must've look like a tomato or maybe even reder,this is so embaressing.


Hey guys sorry for not updating AGAIN
I'm pretty bussy beacause of school
Anyways another chapter done and farewell!!!👋👋👋👋💝💐💐💐

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