|ᴛʜᴇ ғɪʀsᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ|

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Springtrap's POV

"Alright Mangle, this is where you'll be staying. I assume you already know what you have to do if ever you get spotted by the night guard?"

"Yes I do, but may I ask? Why do I have to attack the night guard?" said Mangle ,

"You'll know it when you see him." I said,

"Ok well, thank you for atleast showing me my place, last time you guys just left me hanging, it's quite hard to navigate inside the pizzeria" Mangle said,

I giggled, "Hey, getting lost isn't exactly fun you know!" Mangle said whilst blushing from embarassment.

Mangle's POV

"I blushed when Springtrap giggled 'This is quite embarassing'

" Anyway, i'll be leaving now. Bye cutie. " Springtrap said, but before he left he kissed me at the cheek, I turned even redder  'what was that for? Does he like me? I guess I shall have to find out.'
~~~le time skipeu because im lazy~~~~

"After Springtrap showed me my place it was about 12 pm. I thought that the night guard will be showing up really soon, I decided to wait for the others to move that way I can make a move as well. It was 2 o'clock but no body moved until 3 o'clock struck.

Freddy decided to move and break the camera while Chica is going at the left hallway. Bonnie came second at the right hallway. In the midst of all that I was suddenly told that i'll be taking a move tomorow night, since it didn't seem like the time for a newbie like me to move.

The 6 o'clock bell finaly rang children can be heard outside the Pizzeria, various of "Yay's" can be heard. Freddy told me what to do at the party room. After a while, children came running in, they stared at me ,

"Whoah she looks just like Foxy, yay!!!!" They all said as I was being introduced by Freddy,

I blocked out what he was saying and instead I looked for Foxy and Springtrap but I didn't see them anywhere, after I was introduced, the children had developed a sort of admiration on my animatronic parts and decided to take a piece for themselves. Children, left and right grabbed at my parts, pulling me apart.

The children left and Freddy saw me all destroyed laying on the floor. He looked puzzled as to why that happened to me

"Are you ok?" He asked worriedly I wanted to say yes but I wasnt, so instead i replied with nothing, he nodded then he fixed me

"why did they do that?"

~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~

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(Edited 3/7/18)

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