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Mangle's POV

It has been a few days, i've learned to know the security guard and the reason behind attacking him and some minor details such as why the kids kept pulling me apart, it turns out that they were just curious about the different parts and functions inside an animatronic. Since they kept pulling me apart the humans that was supposed to fix me had given up due to it happening frequently, after what happened i've lost all hopes in becoming whole again, i concluded that it was best to isolate myself to avoid becoming even more mangled(lol).

Springtrap's POV

Foxy and I were looking for Mangle, we kept yelling her name hoping for a response.


"I'm over here...is there anything you want?" Mangle asked,

"What we want is for ya' to come out so we can fix ya' " Foxy said, trying to reason with Mangle

"And then get destroyed again?"Mangle said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice ,

"No, Mangle. I have something to tell you i've been meaning to say it but, I haven't got the courage, until now, I... I like you.." I told her. Hoping that it will be enough to make her come out,

" I-i don't know what to say"Mangle said,

"It's fine i'll give you more time to think." I reassured her, although I knew that I didn't have a chance

With that Mangle came out of the celling and hugged me tightly.

Foxy's POV

'Holy-did this really just happen' infron' of me? Well I do admit I had some feelin's for the lad but I didn't think much of it. Damn I hate to admit't but I'm act'ally afraid to lose my chances with the lad ( ooh looks like this is going to be a love triangle) guess'll have to step up my pirate game if I don' want Springtrap to get her. Ain't no way I'mma let a rabbit win this fox chase.'

~~¤¤time skip¤¤~~

Mangle's POV

Foxy and I have been talking for a while now we've been talking about whats happening lately and other things while he's trying to fix me, I sure am lucky that I have friends like them. He's almost done fixing me when he said,

"Ey.. Mangle, I just wanted ta' ask you, .. who'd ya' fancy the most out of the guys? "Foxy said,

"Huh? isn't that a bit personal?" I asked,

"Ah... sorry 'bout that, 'nyways you're all fixed up" Foxy said,

"Thanks, Foxy." I replied

our animatronic love. /heavy editing/Where stories live. Discover now