|ᴄᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴs, ᴄᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴs|

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Foxy's POV

I've been talk'n to mangle for hours now, I think the lad deserves to know the truth that I like her, but how? I know i'll leave her a letter n' hope she'll read it and accept my feel'ns!

"Hey lassie, umm..I think you should go now, I mean its gett'n late" I said

Mangle's POV

I walked to my place and noticed a piece of paper I read it and found out that Foxy likes me, I was absolutely shocked, confused and at disbelief at the same time and somehow i just can't--ugh I don't understand this "Am I really in a love triangle or is Foxy just faking what he wrote on the peice of paper? Or are both of them are just messing with me so I can think that I can be loved? or are they just...Argh Mangle don't think like that and whatever is going on you can figure it out tommorow!"

Springtrap's POV

It was a bright and sunny morning and Mangle called me to talk with her. As I went in the party room I saw foxy there mangle told me to seat next to her and said we were going to talk about how foxy and I developed feelings for Mangle and I was first to explain,

"You see mangle I developed feelings for you when i first saw you and your beautiful yellow eyes and I knew that it was wrong to fall in love with someone you barely know but I know for a fact it was love at first sight and I understand if you don't feel what I feel, but understand this, when ever you feel sad you know who to talk to but if you do feel the same well i'd be the happiest animatronic in the whole wide world.


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