A date?

824 18 7

Mangle's POV

"it was finally morning, now to get ready . As the guys were walking towards me they had a smirk on their faces."Hmm...now what is up with them?" i thought to myself.

"Ok so the schedule will be Springtrap first and then comes Foxy" I told them.

Spirngtraps POV

"Me and Foxy were heading to the party room with the same smirk plastered on our faces , we knew that we had the same idea of kissing Mangle, the only problem is who's going to be first on mangle's schedule? Of course if Foxy was first and he kissed Mangle then they'll become much closer, meaning Foxy wil have more chance at winning Mangle's heart and i'll just be left alone looking at Mangle and Foxy, but that all changed when Mangle said I was first on the schedule I was so happy that I could just do a happy dance right now! But of course I can't, I don't want to embarrass myself infront of Foxy especially not in front of Mangle.

Time skip******

Mangles POV

"Me and Springtrap had been talking for a while now,  turns out we actually have a lot in common until... i remembered my family, I remember having the very same conversation with them.

"Mangle is something wrong?" Springtrap said with concern

"Its just I remember having the same conversation with my family, but when that tragic day happened my family didn't remember me anymore, they just forgot about me. I felt so empty inside and no matter how happy I am I still can't seen to fill in the gap" I said with a sad tone.

"Maybe i can fix that" Springtrap said.

"But what can you possib- i was cut off by Springtrap kissing me on the lips! I was shocked! But I slowly kissed back and soon melted into the kiss.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter !

(Edited 3/7/18)

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