the fight for love pt1

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Mangle's POV
'Lately i've been feeling a bit off, and not only that i've also been thinking about springtrap alot, i've been having mixed emotions about him, its a mix of happy, confused, angry cause i'm confused and inlove at the same time, actually i only realized it now that everytime i think about springtrap, i fall deeper and deeper inlove with him, though i know that foxy also likes me so, its unfair for him *sigh*

Springtrap's POV
'I really want to know what mangle feels about me, i mean i'm sure foxy wants to know to right? You know what, i'm going to her this moment.

Foxy's POV
'What does she think about me? What does she feel about me? Does she like me? I dont know!! just thinking about it makes me crazy!! Hahha!! I'm going to her right now.

Third person
'As foxy and springtrap made their way to the party room, where mangle is , they bumped into each other, "what are you doing here" foxy asked with a venomous undertone  "visiting mangle, you got a problem with that?"Springtrap responded,  " no, i came here to ask mangle who she likes better between the both of us, and i'm sure she's gonna pick me" foxy said confidently "you sure about that? Cause i dont think so " springtrap said " well lets find out shall we" foxy said, they both knocked at the door glaring at eachother.

Mangle's POV
"Oh hey guys what brings you here? I asked  " we came here to ask you" foxy said "about what?" I said "about who you would choose between us" springtrap said "i-i would choose?" Mangle said "yeah, so who do you choose?" Foxy asked "i.....i-im sorry foxy but i choose springtrap" i said sadly "no, no no no!!--haahhahHAHA!!!" Foxy laughed crazily "f-foxy" i said stuttering "IF I CANT HAVE YOU THAN NO ONE CAN!!!"foxy said crazily "w-wait foxy-- "springtrap tried to reason with him but it was too late, i felt a sharp pang on my head and blacked out".

Welp, that took me forever to think of, but atleast i finally published another chapter, anyways i hope too see you guys soon!! Byeee!!!!

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