A date? (ft. Foxy)

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Mangle's POV

"After that kiss I was now going over to Pirate's Cove to see Foxy and of course get to know each other more."

Foxy's POV

"After what Springtrap did, I got furious, 'ow dare he ruin me' plan!"


Still Foxy's POV

When Mangle 'nounced that Springtrap was first, I had a feeli'n  that he was goi'n to kiss Mangle so I kept an eye on him and decided to stalk them, they were head'n to somekind of secret room that Springtrap found  hidden in the walls, so I followed them I peeked through ' small hole on the door and watched them, it was pretty boring since all they did was talk n' talk, but what really got on my attention was that I saw Springtrap kiss'n Mangle! AND Mangle was KISS'N BACK! My worst nightmare has happ'n, his gonna get it from me! I'm gonna ruin everything he is infront of Mangle when i get my turn! After that Mangle's gonna turn her back on him and maybe, just maybe she'll fall in love with me, if that dosen't happ'n i'll just go with my last resort, kill Springtrap(dun dun dun foxy's going yandere) but for now let's be patient

***end of flashback***
Still Foxy's POV

As for now let's focus on gett'n to know Mangle more.

Mangle's POV

"Now its time to go to Pirate's Cove, but although springtrap insisted to walk me over there I refused, He's been so much of a help already, I dont even know how to pay him back, but  for now I should focus on getting to know Foxy.

***time skip***

Still mangle's POV

"I've been talking to foxy for while now but something feels off about him its as if every time I mention Springtrap's name I can see hate , anger and vengeance in his eyes as if he knew that Springtrap kissed me.  Ugh why is this happening! Suddenly my thoughts was interrupted by Foxy bringing up a personal question...


Hey guys i'm so so so sorry if i haven't been updating for so long anyways byeee!

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