fight for love pt3 *finale*

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Springtrap's POV
'Gosh, i feel so awfull, i can't believe i let the love of my life taken away from me, especially by him, he took mangle away from me, and now i need everyone's help to get her back.

'I walked down the halls into everyone's room and told them to meet me at the meeting room. After that i went to the meeting room and waited. After a few minutes they came, freddy came in first , "so.. springtrap what did you needed us for?" Freddy asked   " yeah, springtrap, why?" Chica said  " well... as you may all not know , foxy kiddnapped mangle and i need you guys to help me get her back" i said  " what!!? Why would foxy do that!!?" Bonnie asked   " well..

Timeskip after springtrap explains

" i cant believe foxy would do that" freddy said sadly  " i know, he was such a nice guy" chica said  " well all i know is that we need to get mangle back!" Bonnie said determined  " yeah, but we need a plan, so i was thinking ( insert some random plan, idk XD) then after that you guys escape with mangle, while i fight foxy"  " well.. what are we waiting for, lets go!" Bonnie said


Freddy's POV
"MANGLE? MANGLE? " i whisper/ yelled  " f-freddy? " a voice said  i turned to a corner and saw mangle  " hey guys! Come on mangle is here" i gestured them to come " mangle come on! Lets go!" I said  " i can't foxy chained me to the wall!"mangle said
" what?!! He was that crazy inlove with you!!, i can't believe him. Come on guys help me unchain mangle !" I said. We walked towards mangle and slowly, but surely unchained her to the wall " w-wait w-where's springtrap?" Mangle asked  " he's with us, but he said he was gonna stay here for a while" i said  " what! Why?!" She exclaimed  " i dont know" i lied  " No freddy! I know that you know what springtrap is gonna do!!" She half yelled  "*sigh* i wasnt suppose to say this, but springtrap is going to fight foxy in order for this not to happen again"i said truthfully " what! i cant just leave him here , what if something bad happens to him!" Mangle said  " No mangle it was he's choice, so stop being stubborn and come with us!!

Springtraps POV
" oh springtrap! What a pleasant surprise!" Foxy exclaimed  "Gosh , you really are out of your mind aren't you!" I said  "well thats not very nice to say , especially coming from a friend!" He said attaking me with a sword?!!  I grabbed the closest thin to my right and blocked he's attack

Another timeskip
Still springtraps POV

'When he was down on the ground i grabbed the metal pipe and hit him on the head really hard , i made sure he wouldn't ever wake up.


Welp this is the end of the story , but i am making a sequel, so if you want a sequel, then just tell me!♡♡♡☆☆☆☆

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