springtrap's hidden past

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So in this chapter i'm gonna make spring traps past like others, ya know when they were killed when they were young and their souls went into the animatronics.
Anyways a big thanks to @Autobotgirl2004 for giving me an idea for this story

Springtrap's POV
' it was really fun hanging out with mangle, i can't believe that just a few days before, i was jealous cause of mangle hanging out with foxy, that was really silly of me, and i remember when i asked mangle out, i practiced finding and opening the door so many times, but in the end i forgot where it was and couldn't find it, but behind those times, comes a dark past, its still really fresh in my memories even after this years, i remember it like it was yesterday..

************flash back******************

Springtrap's POV

' today is my birthday, i'm really excited! All my friends are gonna be there!! We're gonna play games, tell jokes, and the best part eat cake!! Ohhh i'm really excited, i've waited this for ages!! And speaking of friends they're already here!' I ran down the stairs towards the door and opened it 'hey, guys!' I greeted them 'hi!' They said in unison ' soo.. when the party gonna start' one of my friends said ' oh we're just preparing the food, anyways, come on in!' I said gesturing them to come in, as we walked in i saw my mom ' oh hey there birthday boy! Hmm excited aren't we? Don't worry we're just finishing, you can come out to the garden now' mom said 'oh, okay! Thanks mom!' I said 'hmm you're welcome, honey' she said lovingly ' come on guys, lets head out' i told my friends

**timeskip to when they sing happy birth day***

Still springtraps POV
'Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! They all sang in unison  ' ohh happy birthday indeed' a mysterious man said creepily, he continued-- ' now prepare to die! Hahahahahah!!!' He aid crazily and started to kill everyone, all i could see was blood, blood every where!! I tried to run, but before i can he already stabed me all i saw was him laughing crazily, before i fainted and died.

~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~

Still springtraps POV

' i wish i could've done something *sigh*

Hey guys,soo..another chapter done! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and i'll see you guys soon!!

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