growing closer

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Mangle's POV

'After i found out my true feelings for springtrap i decided i wanted to spend some time with him,i mean i want to grow closer, to understand more of this new found feeling called love, well its more of a like ,but i guess its the same thing..? I don't know i'm pretty stupid when it comes to love or like,i mean i only experienced this, like right now so you can't blame me for that now can you? Anyways i'm heading down the hallways...again, trying to find the door that leads to springtraps secret room , gosh i didin't realize that his room was this hard to find........after half an hour of trying to find the door i finally found the door .

' i walked in and saw springtrap working on something "uhh..hey springtrap" i said "oh! Hey mangle, what a surprise, how did you get in here?"he asked " oh its a long story of trying to find the door" i said laughing a bit "well now you know my pain" he said chuckling--"speaking of doors, remember the time when i took you out to a date in my room, well you have no idea how many times i practiced opening the door" he continued chuckling "heh, i didin't realize that the door was that hard to find" i said  "yeah, anyways what brings you here" he asked
"Oh! I was wondering if we could hangout, just the two of freinds do..?" I felt a pang in my haert when i said the word freinds "oh...okay! Sooo..where do you wanna go" he said kinda sad?  "well i was gonna ask you that but i guess you beat me to it" i said
"Well if you say so, then i guess we could go to the kitchen i heard that chica was making a new dish.

**********what happend before*********

Chica's POV
"Come on chica we're sick of eating pizza why can't you just agree to hire a cook"freddy whined           
"cause, i mean i can cook another dish ya know!"i said angrily "yeah keep telling yourself that but the only ones gonna believe is bonnie boy over here" he said mocking me, i blushed madly so i quickly turned around the other direction 'oh i'll show you freddy, i'll show  you i can cook another dish' i said in my mind.


Mangle's POV
" ok sure!" I said

☆☆☆☆Mini time skip☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Still mangle's POV

'The rest of the day was spent eating, laughing, joking and playing, it was a really fun day, much better than the ones i had with foxy, i guess he really is the one huh?


Hey guys, long time no see, anyways this chapter is probobly the longest one i made yet,originaly i was going to make it into two chapters, but i thought that i should make it into one only 'cause i've been thinking about what should happen in this chapter for a while now and i figured that i 'd forget it if i made two chapters, anyways, see you guys soon!!!


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