Chapter 2

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I was woken my a sharp stinging in my forearm. My eyelids fluttered open, eyes flickering. Rick's face came into view, and all I could see was his twisted smile that lit up his face with a twinkle in his eyes. I frowned, trying to lift my arm to smack the smile off his face, but my limbs felt too heavy. I rolled my head to the side to get a better view of my surroundings, groaning when from the weight of my head. Room doors were passing in a blur, giving no indication in where we were going.

Just as quickly as his face came into view, it was gone again.


The next time that I woke, I was back in my room lying on my plain, white sheets, uncuffed.

My eyebrows furrowed and I scanned around the room in search of someone or something out of place. Nothing. I was alone in my room just how I had been when I fell asleep last night. I went to sit up, but felt something hold me back.

My head swiveled to find the source of the confinement.

Strapped around my waist was a thick belt that held me to the bed. It was more of protection, trying to keep me safely secured rather than detaining.

What would it be protecting me from?

I examined the rest of the room behind me, finding a couple machines making occasional beeps. I looked down at my arm to discover a needle sticking out with a thing tube that led up to one of the machines.

My eyes widened considerably at the sight. Frowning, I yanked it out, only to have the machines beeps become erratic. Frantically, my hands fumbled with the machines in an attempt at ceasing the annoying blaring, but only hit a button that set off more alarms.

I sighed and slumped back down into my bed in defeat.

Moments later, I heard the scuffle of shoes that indicated a few attendants rushing in, looking around in panic. With my eyes still shut, I feebly raised my arm and muttered, "My bad."

I heard someone clear their throat in an attempt to get my attention. My raised arm came smacking down to my forehead in annoyance and I groaned, knowing exactly who it was.

Doc had a small grin on his face and strolled over, "Well good afternoon Aisling."

"Wait, what do you mean 'good afternoon'?" I never slept in past eight. There was no possible way that it could be the afternoon.

"It is past noon, therefore it is the afternoon." He spoke slowly as if I didn't understand what he was said.

"I get how time works, Doc. What I don't understand, is how it can be so late..." I trailed off my eyes were unfocused as I thought back to last night.

"You slept in for once Aisling. What is wrong with that?"

"I. Don't. Sleep. In. That's what is wrong. It isn't possible." I was getting more flustered by the moment. I physically could not do that.

I shot out of bed, shocking the attendants and Doc. My feet moved before my mind and I was zipping past patients and anybody else in the halls, in search of the only person that would have the answers I was searching for.

I rounded one corner and collided with another body.

"Watch it!" I growled. I wasn't in the mood to deal with people today. I brushed myself off and glared down at the person on the floor.


He peered up at me, absolutely terrified. I smirked to myself and went to walk around him, but I felt something shoot out and grab my ankle. I froze.

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