Chapter 34

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Hello Paisley, I'm Aisling. It is so lovely to meet you." I sneered, grabbing her by her hair and yanking her off of Harry.

She screeched in pain as I wound her hair around my hand and literally pulled her off of him. I tossed her to the ground, standing over her with a scowl and a piercing glare. I bore down on her with a fiery intensity that froze her to the spot.

"Listen here hun, this is my facility and that is my man. Back. Off." I snarled, narrowing my eyes as her gaze flickered over to Harry behind me.

"Well, you better keep your man on a tight leash unless you want someone better to ya' know, come along and steal him." Her right eye dropped into a wink.

"That's it." I huffed, pulling my fist back to collide with her nose when strong arms wrapped around my torso and lifted me up.

I screamed obscenities at whoever was holding me back. The arms moved from wrapping around my torso to lifting me up and throwing me over their shoulder. This gave me leverage to pound on their back and kick at their stomach as hard as I wanted. I looked up and saw Harry still standing in the same spot I left him, wide eyes and staring at the floor by his feet.

"Lovely meeting you, Harry." Paisley purred.

"Nice to meet you too." Harry mumbled, eyes still glued to the floor.


His gaze shot up, locking on me being carried away by who I presumed was Doc. He scurried over to us instantly, staying by Doc's side, but never looking at me once. I huffed, going limp in Doc's arms as he carried me away from the lobby.

"If I let you down, will you behave?" Doc quizzed.

I thought about that for a moment before responding with,
"I can't promise you anything."

"Then you're staying right here."

I huffed in annoyance and flicked my hair over my shoulder and out of my face. I turned my head to Harry who was walking beside us silently, eyes cast down, fiddling with his fingers. His head was hung low and his curls were covering the side of his face as I studied him.

"Like what you see?" He murmured without looking up.

I snapped. Just thirty minutes ago the same thing was said and everything was fine. Now, I have some new Barbie to keep an eye on and a boy who looks completely confused on how he feels about that.

"Yes I like what I fucking see, but apparently I'm not the only one."

"Aisling.." Doc was warning me.

"No. Do not do that, Doc. Do not do that. She threw herself at him. Literally . She threw herself into his arms. Not only that, but she tried to suck his face off. I bet she shoved her tongue down his throat. Wait- Harry, did she fucking shove her tongue down your throat?!"

His head snapped up to look at me. He looked scared and nervous. That was all the confirmation I needed. My scowl deepened and I glared at him with pure fury. I shot daggers at his head while he stuttered, trying to come up with something to say.

"I didn't kiss her back!" The inside of his head was scrambling for words that would convince me.

One of my eyebrows shot up. "Oh? Then why do you look like a guilty puppy?"

"I didn't kiss her back!" He repeated, but by the way his head fell after the words tumbled from his lips, I knew he didn't even believe himself.

"Doc, where are we going?" I sighed and let my body loosen up and hang in defeat.

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