Chapter 13

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"Aisling..." I was still in that state of sleep where I was awake, but still not. Part of my mind was conscious and the other way holding onto the dreams as long as possible. In the end, consciousness won.

"Aisling..." A voice whispered again. I merely groaned in response.

"Piss off." I muttered. My face was still pressed in the

pillow, blocking everything out.

"Aisling, come on." The voice cooed.

"Ungh." I groaned again. I peeled my eyes open to get a glimpse of the voice, and as soon as I did, I flew off the bed.

"Well good morning to you too." Harry scoffed, chuckling at my crumpled form on the floor.

"Fucking twat. How many times are you going to do that? Your face was a fucking inch from mine! You seriously don't understand that people need their own space. I fucking hate you. Dick." I growled. With my descent to the floor, I somehow managed to bring the comforter down with me. I sat there kicking at the blanket that was tangled with my legs uselessly.

Harry sat on his mattress watching on, laughing so hard that his eyes were watery, "Aisling, you just need to get use to the fact that I-"


Blaring sirens.




They all mixed together.

I looked up at Harry frantically, trying to figure out what was happening. His amused expression darkened in an instant. I peeled the comforter off of me and stood in front of him, catching his attention. My eyes were wide while my body was rigid. Harry looked confused yet guarded. More sirens blared, screeching wildly while a tiny red light lit up in the wall by the door.

"Aisling, stay here. I'm going to check out what is going on." Harry's voice was firm and demanding.

"No! You are in no shape to go anywhere. YOU stay here, and I will go check it out."

"Aisling! Can you not fucking argue with me for once? Just do as I say and stay put." He snapped. He was trying to push himself off the bed, and I could see tiny bead of sweat on his forehead from the effort.

"Same could be said for you! You are completely black and blue. All I'm going to do is peek my head out the door and get a glimpse of what is happening in the hallway. It's not like I'm going to go rushing out to save the day." I rolled my eyes.

He tried to push himself up again, but all I had to do was press on his chest and he was down on the mattress once more. He glared up at me, practically emanating rage.

"Move from that spot and I will rip your throat out." I warned darkly.

I gave him a final warning glance before taking a step back and turning on my heel. I tiptoed toward the door, afraid if I made the wrong step, I would slam my foot into something. It was too dark to see anything, so I held both hands out reaching for the door. It took me a minute, but when I got there, I allowed myself a sigh of relief. I placed my shaking hand on the handle and turned it and then pulled the door open slowly, earning squeaks from the movement.

I peered my head around the door frame seeing darkness.

There were red lights similar to the ones in our room lined up on the walls, spaced out. Periodically, the red would light up, illuminating the hallway. There wasn't a single soul that meandered the hallway like I thought.

"See? Harry, there isn't a single person out here. I told yo-"

And that's when it happened.

That's when I was taken.

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