Chapter 6

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"I'm not a child that you can spank when I don't listen to you! I'm not a dog you can throw out back when I've done something wrong! So, you can't 'punish' me."

"Aisling..." He warned me darkly.

"No. Get the fuck off of me RIGHT NOW!" I was simmering with rage. He couldn't do anything. I wouldn't let him.

I winced from the harsh glare I was receiving from him, and then flinched when he squeezed my wrist tighter. His dark eyes were burning holes into mine, but I wasn't about to back down no matter how intimidated I was. He was probably used to people submitting to him when he stared at them like that or spoke to them with that tone, but I was a different matter. He wasn't about to win this battle. I would not let him.

"Aisling, I have told you this too many times before: Watch your tone. You deserve this. You were disobedient, so you have to learn your place." His words cut at me like knives.

"Harry, stop being a fucking twat. Like I have said before, I'M NOT YOURS! Now get your fat ass off of me, and leave me alone. Zayn was right before when he said that we might share a room, and you are most definitely NOT fucking me, so hop off." I seethed.

As soon as I mentioned Zayn's name, his body tensed above me and if possible, his eyes narrowed even more. His jaw clenched visibly and a tiny vein on his neck protruded.

"Don't ever fucking say his name again. Do you hear me? I don't want you to speak about him, look at him, or even think about him. He is shit and isn't worthy of you." He growled, lowering his head so our faces were an inch apart. His minty breath fanned across my face and I inhaled sharply at the close proximity of our bodies.

"So, are you trying to tell me that you're worthy of me? Hm?" I challenged. Go on Harry, tell me that you aren't a completely fucked up psycho. Please, do tell.

"Aisling, stop right now before I get even angrier than I already am." His warning was disregarded as my emotions that had been bubbling inside of me finally decided to make an appearance.

"No! That is fan-fucking-tastic that you're mad! I'm glad that I'm the one that is making you that way because you are a stupid, fucking bastard! Who do you think you are coming in here and telling me what to do! You don't get a say in anything I do. I'm not someone you can control. People here have been trying for a lot longer than you to rein me in, but they got nowhere. If you do not get off of me in the next ten seconds, then I am going to pound your pretty, little face in!" I exploded. Normally, I wouldn't give anyone the satisfaction in knowing how badly they were bothering me, but he had been doing this since day one. There was something about him that crept up behind me and doesn't intend on leaving.

"Are you done now?" He asked in an eerily calm voice.

I didn't answer. It felt like my throat had constricted when I heard his tone. I would much rather have him screaming at me so I would know exactly what he was thinking, but this composed façade was throwing me off.

It was probably best that I didn't respond, because the words would have been cut off by his fist colliding with my cheek.

He wasn't one to hold back when it came to hitting, even if I was a girl. He didn't do that girly, bitch slap. No, he punched me right in the cheek. My head whipped to the side from the impact, and I couldn't even caress the damaged skin because he still had my hands pinned down.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheek. The sizzling sensation caused me to hiss in pain. Yeah, he definitely didn't hold back. I turned my head back to stare at him full on. I made it my mission to give him a look that would make him piss his pants. My eyes blazing with rage, my lips set in a thin line, and my eyebrows scrunched together.

"Touch. Me. One. More. Time." I dared him.

"Oh love, I will touch you all I want." He growled.

I let him go bat shit crazy last time, so now it was my turn.

In one swift motion, I had him flat on his back, staring up at me wide eyed. I had my knees on each of his shoulders, pushing them into the mattress. My wrists pinned his down on either side of his waist, like he had done to mine before. I kept my feet placed on his knees to prevent him from moving his legs.

"No you will not. You are never going to fucking touch me again, jackass. Try it, and I will land you your own room in the infirmary. I've done it before to other patients, so don't think you're special. You have absolutely no idea how much I hate you, and that is saying something. You are a fucking twat." I finished my rant be letting out a well needed breath.

All the little fucker did was stare up at me with a smirk.

"You totally want to fuck me." He stated confidently. That totally caught me off guard,

"WHAT?!" I screeched. I jumped off of him in a second and landed to the floor in a heap. I was never one for grace.

He rolled over so that he was now peering down at me from the side of the bed, "You want to fuck me. I can see it in your eyes."

"You seriously are fucking psychotic! Oh my God, you are absolutely mad!" When I saw him swing his legs off the side of the bed, I started scrambling away until my back hit a wall.

He stalked over until he was standing directly in front of me. I kept my head low so I could only see how white his shoes were. He bent down to my level, bringing a hand just below my chin, and lifting it up so I could look him in the eyes. The dark had subsided, and now his eyes were back to the bright green that indicated that his mood had changed.

"Say it." He muttered.

"Say what?" I questioned. What the fuck was he on about now?

"Say that you don't want to fuck me." He had a smug smile curling at his lips.

"Harry, I will never want to fuck you." I spoke slowly. My face was contorted with disgust and revulsion. I had never been touched by a guy; much less had sex with one.

Harry leaned forward a bit, placing a hand on each of my thighs, "What about now?"

I kept my face wiped clean of emotion while stating firmly, "No."

He leaned forward even more; his hands rode a bit further up my thighs, "Now?"


"What do you think now, love?" Now his lips were barely brushing mine and he pressed harder into my legs.

"Not a chance in hell. Now get off!" I snapped.

"Mm." That was all I got out of him before his lips were pressed firmly to mine.

His lips began to move softly, trying to get a response out of me. I stayed still, not giving him the satisfaction. He lightly bit my bottom lip, which surprised the hell out of me. My mouth popped open when a gasp filled the silent room, and Harry used this as entrance. His tongue slipped into my mouth and made sure that there wasn't a single nook or cranny left untouched.

One moment he was having his way with his stupid tongue practically shoved down my throat, and the next he was glaring at me with so much fury that I'm surprised I didn't die right then and there. I bit his tongue. Oops.

"Don't you ever think that you can fucking do that again. This time all I left you with is a bloody tongue, next time I will make sure you don't have one anymore. Got it?" I hissed.

"What you don't seem to understand is that I always get my way. You're only going to cause more harm to yourself if you don't just comply." His voice was dangerously low.

"Yeah? Well looks like we're going to have a bit of a problem, because I am never going to obey your commands. I. Am. Not. A. Dog." And with that, I pressed my palms into his shoulders and shoved him back forcefully.

I stood up in a flash and started stomping towards the door. I gripped the handle and went to throw the door open, but it wouldn't budge. I jiggled it relentlessly, to no avail. Then I realized that the door was locked. From the fucking inside. Who the hell locks a door from the inside? How the flying fuck was I supposed to get out? With an aggravated huff, I kicked the door and turned around.

Harry was smiling up at me, waving something shiny in his hand. I squinted to get a better look, and that's when it hit me.

A key! Well, more importantly, THE key that would let me out.

I stuck my arms out, palms up to him. Using the sweetest, little girl smile that I could conjure, I gazed down at him. I wiggled my fingers and widened my eyes.

"Wanna hand that over, Harry?" Maybe being over-the-top sweet would get me what I wanted most, and that would be the key.

"Hm, I dunno. Maybe you should come get it?" He offered.

His dimples made an appearance as he smiled up at me. Cheeky, little twat.

"Oh! Or, you could totally just give it to me?" I suggested in the same sickeningly sweet tone.

"What fun would that be?"

Annnnnd then he stuck the key down his pants.

"Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me." I growled. No chance in hell was I sticking my hand down his pants.

"Come and get it, love." He grinned playfully. Yeah, he is definitely bipolar.

"I-I uh, I'm not just going to uh-" I was stuttering and stammering like there was no tomorrow. He snickered at my mortified expression. I didn't want to play games right now; I just wanted that damn key.

"Just give me the key, Harry." I was practically whining.

"No love, I think you are going to have to work for it." His smile could have split his face in two. His eyes were shining and his toothy grin was contagious.

I could feel a smile tugging at my lips, but I stopped before it could become visible.

Focus Aisling.

Get the key.

"You do know that I could just sit on my bed and ignore you. I don't have to get the key..." I stated confidently.

"Is that so? Good luck ignoring me when I'm in your face, love."

I hate him so fucking much. The hatred was so strong that it could be tangible.

"UGH!" I stomped over to him like a kid.

When I was just in front of him, I crouched down and glared. "Harry, I am not putting my hand in your pants, so just hand over the key before I bash your head in."

"Hm... As tempting as that offer sounds, I think I'll take my chances." Like I said before: Cheeky, little twat.

Swiftly, I shoved him to the ground and had him pinned. He merely grinned up at me and chuckled. There was absolutely nothing funny about this situation, and just for laughing, I was tempted to punch him. My eyes narrowed into slits at the sound of his laugh. Sure, it was a beautiful sound, but he had terrible timing to let it out.

"Love, the key isn't in my shoulders, so maybe you shouldn't be holding on to them so tight." My horrified expression earned yet another chuckle from him.

"I don't care! I'm not- I mean- I can't-" And there is the humiliating stuttering again. Sentences just weren't forming, and all the incoherent phrases made me sound like a babbling idiot.

And then do you know what he did next? He fucking bucked his hips up to mine.

"That's where the key is. Go and get it." His tone was reflecting just how cocky he was.

"You stupid, fucking twat. I cannot believe you are doing this. I hate you so fucking much." I grumbled.

He lifted his hips again to brush mine again. Instead of being completely shocked by it this time, I simply took one hand from his shoulder and slapped him across the face. No remorse or guilt. When his head snapped back to face mine, his eyes were wide and his mouth was in an 'o' shape. I used the same hand to then push down on his hips so that they were back on the ground.

"I would advise you to stop that. You think that just because you are taller, stronger, and a guy that means that you are tougher than me? I'm not even sorry to burst your bubble about this; you are not any more dangerous than I am. I know what you are capable of, but you don't have the slightest clue as to what I can do." I kept calm, even though I was seething on the inside.

"Hey Aisling, Sister Elizabeth really needs to see you - OH MY GOODNESS!" Rylie stepped in and saw me practically sitting on Harry.

This was horrible.

I jumped off Harry as quickly as I could and brushed myself off. This is absolutely humiliating. Of course Harry just stayed on the floor, but now he was rolling all over it laughing hysterically at how red my cheeks were.

"How did you get in here?!" I cried. The door was locked and Harry had the key!

"I-uh- I have a key to all the rooms." He stammered and held up a shiny key as evidence.

"Oh my God just get me out of here." I muttered and made my way over to an uneasy Rylie.

And just for the slightest moment did I forget where I was going. The embarrassment that was currently present on my cheeks kept my mind from the doom I was walking to.

Sister Elizabeth was waiting.

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