Chapter 32

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A couple more weeks passed. I was still in the hospital undergoing strength exercises and rehab. Doc and Harry were always at my side with encouraging words and smiles. Sister Elizabeth showed up a few days ago to inform us that we were to be leaving in a few days, and that she would follow us the entire trip to ensure our 'safety'. More like making sure that Doc didn't sneak us away.

I lay in my bed with my head on Harry's chest as he and Doc talked about some upcoming football match animatedly. Their eyes were lit up and their smiles were toothy as they agreed on who was the best player and who would win the match. They had been getting along a lot lately with hardly a single argument or disagreement rising between them.

I had gotten the cast off of my leg and arm two days ago, free to move. Everything was sore from the extra pressure put on them, but I would get used to it. Today was the day that I was supposed to leave. Pack my bags, wave goodbye, and walk out of this hospital that kept me away from the asylum.

I knew I wouldn't be able to stay here forever, but I was hoping it would at least last a little longer than it did.

"Aisling, did you even hear what I just said?" Doc quizzed, eyebrows raised and eyes twinkling with amusement.

I frowned as I stared at him. "No."

I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to hear what he was talking about. One moment he was engaged in a conversation with Harry that seemed endless, and the next he wanted my full on attention. I hadn't really noticed that about fifteen minutes had passed since Harry and Doc finished talking about the football match.

"We're leaving in about a half hour." Doc spoke again.

I merely hummed in acknowledgement.

My thoughts swirled and wrapped so tightly around me that it was hard to focus on anything other than the sheets of memories that floated around. Some of the memories were so vivid and bright that as I replayed them, I felt like I was still there living them. It was nice to escape reality if only for a little while and reminisce.

But you know what they say: It's alright to visit Memory Lane as long as you don't try to live there.


Doc left Harry and I yesterday to go to the hotel where Sister Elizabeth was staying and talk to her. He said that he would be gone for most of the night, so he left us his cell phone and told us to call the hotel if there was a problem. Depending on how late he gets done, he said that he might just stay there for the night.

Harry and I looked at each other with matching expressions of mischief when Doc told us. We grinned like little children and nodded feverishly to his commands and instructions. We shooed him out the first moment we got and closed the door once he was out.

"Let's have some fun." Harry purred when he spun around to face me. He was smirking and there was a glint in his eyes that screamed trouble.

Trouble. That was the one thing I had been craving the whole time that I was here. I couldn't cause a scene or chaos while I was here, unlike the asylum where I was free to do as I pleased as long as I was prepared for the consequences. In the hospital, I put on a bright smile and acted like any other teenage girl that was admitted.

I lurched off the bed and rushed to his side, peering up at him with excitement. "What do you have in mind?"

Harry grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the door, scanning the hallway for any sign of Doc. When he knew that the coast was clear, he pulled me along the halls in search for something. He smiled and nodded at the nurses and doctors that passed, feigning innocence. Harry picked up his pace suddenly when we came across a wheelchair, and I was about to ask him what his problem was, I was shoved into the chair.

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