Chapter 28

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Harry's POV

Her nose scrunched up as she looked me up and down. She busted out laughing, and between the laughter, she managed to get out, "You need pants to leave the room, Harry."

My eyebrows furrowed before my eyes darted down to my boxers, widening at the sight. A faint blush crept onto my cheeks as I grimaced and nodded to myself. I crossed the room again to rummage through the dresser, flicking through the pants and shorts that I had shoved in there. I finally came upon a pair, and slid them up my legs. She simply sat on my bed and watched.

I pointed to her, waving my finger at her attire before saying, "YOU, little missy, need to get dressed too."

She smirked before glancing down at the little clothing covering her. "I thought you would like the view." She pouted, eyes amused.

"Yes, I do, but so will other people, so put some pants on.. And maybe a bra too."

She scoffed, "Okay okay."

I began strolling towards the door before I remembered to warn her, "Aisling, I have to go talk to Doc. I don't know how long I will take, so if I come back and this door is locked, you will be in big trouble."

Her eyes narrowed into slits, and when she spoke, her tone was dark, "Harry, if you leave me in here with my thoughts for too long, bad things will happen. If I decide that I want to lock the fucking door, I will lock the fucking door."

"Aisling, don't fucking test me. Leave the door unlocked."

She barked a short laugh, "I will do whatever the fuck I please. Go talk to Doc, but if I lock the door, it's because you pissed me off and I decided to do the same with you."

"I swear to God, if you lock this door, I will not only be pissed, but I will be livid. Do. Not. Lock. It."

"Whatever you say, Styles." She sneered.

I sent her a final glare before turning to the door and opening it. I stepped out, making sure to slam it harshly as I exited. I sighed and ran a hand through my curls. I started my journey to Doc's office, walking briskly to not waste any time. I figured that as soon as I closed that door behind me, Aisling hopped up and locked it, but I would only be adding gas to the flames if I took my time getting back.

I rounded a corner and stopped just before I was able to run into someone. "Watch it." I growled.

"Hey Harry, lovely to see you."

My eyes made their way up to his, and that was when I recognized the voice that went along with the face. His lips were curled up in a smirk while his eyes were bright and taunting. His dark hair was pushed up in his regular style. He was wearing a plain, black tee shirt with the sleeves rolled and black jeans that clung to his legs.

"Get the fuck out of my way." I snarled.

"Why? It's been so long since we last talked! We need to catch up. How is Aisling? Her punishment had to be rough.." He trailed off.

"What are you fucking talking about?" I snapped.

His eyes zeroed in on mine, smirking at my lack of information. "Oh, you don't know?"

I was growing impatient. Time was ticking away while he stood here and dragged this whole thing out. "Obviously not."

"She fucked this place up bad . Went bat shit crazy I tell you. Smashed glass cups in the cafeteria, flipped tables, threw chairs, flooded the halls, and she even asked for my help. I got her a pillow case full of light bulbs which she smashed as she paraded around the hallways. It was great. Sister Elizabeth was fuming when she found her. She looked like her head was about to blow off while Aisling looked so damn proud of herself. Sister Elizabeth had Rick and Mason go after her, but Doc got to her first. That, my friend, is when Doc took her to you. If she didn't have to see Sister Elizabeth that must mean that having to deal with you was punishment enough. What did happen to you? People say you went off the deep end.."

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