Chapter 9

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When I awoke, I felt like I had been sleeping forever.

My eyes fluttered open and I stared straight up at the ceiling. Light shone in from our window, and from the look of it, it was middle of the afternoon. Why was I sleeping in so late? This never happened weeks ago, but now it seems as if I can't wake up early.

My head turned over on my pillow to look at Harry. His curls were billowing out around him, sticking up in random directions. His mouth was hanging open as tiny snores filled the silence that engulfed our room. The comforter that he had was tangled in his limbs as if he was fighting them. He actually looked peaceful. It was a pleasant change.

The last time he woke me up; he scared the shit out of me.

Now was my time to repay the favor.

I ripped the comforter off of me and swung my legs off the side of the bed. I flinched when my feet came in contact with the cold floor, but continued on. When I stood up from the bed, my lack of weight caused it to squeak from my movement. I held my breath and glanced over at Harry's still sleeping form. A small sigh escaped my lips and I took a tentative step forward. I took step after step until my knees were pressed against the side of his mattress. An evil grin lit up my face as I thought of the perfect way to wake him up.

The cocky, little twat won't see this coming.

Harry had one arms under a pillow, while the other pillow was barely clinging the bed. Its limp form was dangling off the side and my grin widened. I reached over his body cautiously and grabbed the pillow. I moved practically in slow motion to not wake him yet. Once the pillow was in my grasp, I stood back in my original position smiling down at him.

This is absolutely fucking perfect.

I counted to ten so that I could have a dramatic moment. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.


I smacked him in the face with the pillow. He was groggy and groaned at the contact.


I did it again and this time his eyes flew open. His eyebrows were drawn together and his eyes were still glazed over from the sleep wearing off. He squinted at me with his mouth pressed in a tight line. Oopsies, he must not be a morning person. That sucks for him. He looked so funny with his pouty and angry face while being tangled in his comforter and his hair a wild mess.

I fell into a fit of laughter and his eyes narrowed at my amusement. I sat down on my butt on the floor and stared up at him through tear-filled eyes. He looked pissed. That was perfect.

"What was that for?" He growled and flipped over, pulling the comforter over his head.

I shot up from the floor and jumped on his bed. I started bouncing up and down, eliciting squeaks and moans from the bed frame, but I ignored them. I took the pillow and hit him again.

"Get! Up! We! Have! Plans!" I hit his with the pillow between each word. Holy shit this was hilarious.

His dark eyes appeared from above the comforter and I saw maybe a hint of amusement swimming in them. I was so focused on his eyes that I didn't notice his arms sneak out from the sides of the comforter grab my ankles. I squealed when he tugged them and I made my descent to the mattress beside him. The air left my lungs with an 'oomph' when I landed. He peered over at me and I was already doing the same. We locked eyes and I could see just how bright they were when he wasn't pissed about something.

Damn, he had a nice pair of eyes.

"What do you mean 'we have plans'?" His voice was rough and low, still coated with sleep.

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