Chapter 30

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My limp body flew up and over the front of the car, rolling over the back until it skidded on the road. I was sprawled out with my limbs contorted in positions that they were most definitely not supposed to be in. My arm was twisted and held behind my back while my opposite leg was bent backwards. My head was lolled to the side with blood pouring down my face.

The car came to a screeching halt just down the road from where my unconscious body lay. The driver jumped out of their car, running to my aid. Other cars that were barreling towards up gradually slowed to a stop before they had a chance to run my lifeless self over. Gasps were heard as voice's yelled on top of each other to be heard.

Harry and Doc came rushing across the road once they knew that they wouldn't suffer my fate from being in haste. Hands were flying all over my body, checking my pulse, feeling my breathing, examining the extent of the damage scattered across my battered body.

"Stay with me, Aisling." Doc commanded with raw emotion seeping from his voice.

"I'M RIGHT HERE DOC! I'M FINE! I'M HERE!" I would shout over and over again, but my lips wouldn't open to let them know that I was right here with them.

"You keep fighting, Aisling. Do you hear me? Keep. Fighting." His voice cracked on the last word.

I was sitting in the back of my mind. It was a tiny room - like Solitary Confinement - where I was left alone. It was a large dome that was smooth, cool glass, but instead of it being like a window, it was a mirror. My every movement was played back to me if I made even the slightest twitch.

There was a long television that sat in the center of the room that showed me everything going on outside my body. I watched as Doc's hands went to work frantically, pulling at my shirt, beating down on my chest, and feeling for any sign of life. I watched as Harry knelt down beside him, helpless to the scene before him. I watched as the woman that hit me was sobbing uncontrollably each time she looked down at my unconscious, crippled state.

I screamed and shouted in my little room, trying so desperately for them to hear me. I really hope this wasn't what it was like for Harry when he snapped. Being trapped in the back of your mind while the rest of your life played out before your own eyes.

The funny thing about the impact between me and the car was: The whole fucking reason I did it was because I wanted to feel something, but I was unconscious before my mind could even register the metal touching my skin.

I had tried banging on the dome and throwing myself against it, but nothing happened. I wanted to propel the television at it too, but it was stuck where it sat. Time passed while the scene unfolded before me, and all I could do was watch, so that's what I did. I sat down on the cool floor criss-cross applesauce and watched my two favorite men work at what they did best:

Fixing me.

They decided not to wait for an ambulance to come and take my frail body to the hospital because of the backup of traffic that my accident had caused. Harry scooped me up in his arms as gently as he could to not cause more damage, and rushed back to the car with Doc. Not the entire car ride to the hospital did Harry let me leave the secure hold of his arms. Doc whipped around the cluster of cars that were still in the same spot that we had left them and slammed his foot on the gas.

We were in the hospital in less than ten minutes. Harry's chest was now damp with the blood that had been pooling out of my head, collecting on the white fabric of his shirt. Doc was waving his hands around frantically as they rushed into the lobby of the hospital. Once again, gasps were heard as people young and old stared on at the lifeless girl in the handsome boy's arms.

I felt it then.

I felt the crushing pain come down hard on my heart.

My poor, crazy Harry was going to be all along in this world while I left him on an impulsive decision. I was going to slip away and leave this mad world, and he was going to be trapped in a terrible life that I went to such extremes to get out of. He was going to live the life I had.

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