Chapter 26

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An entire week passed with no sign of change. An entire week passed where the only time I left the observation room was to go to the bathroom. An entire week passed where Doc would come in stressed over the paperwork in front of him, trying to come up with a solution, and would leave with a sigh and no results. That week was long and painfully slow. It was filled with piercing glares, some tears on my part, and hatred radiating from both rooms.

Yes, hatred from both. Harry for the obvious 'I want to kill her' reason, but from me because this wasn't the Harry I had gotten comfortable with. I hated this Harry with a burning passion that ran red through my veins and clouded my vision. This Harry knew exactly how to push my buttons, and he did it rather well.

In the middle of that week, my stitches were due to come out. Doc insisted on me going down to the infirmary to have one of the nurses take them out, but I refused. If anything happened to Harry's state while I was gone, I would lose it. So, I made Doc get one of the nurses to come down to my observation room and do it there. I sprawled out across the metal table in the center of the room as the nurse went to work. In no time, they sutures were plucked from my skin.

That week was terrible, and with each passing day, my hope faded. Numerous tests were run on his physical and mental state, but nothing came up changed. Harry's state was in deadlock, and if nothing happened soon, there was a chance that he wouldn't ever come back. Doc and I raced around the clock to do everything and anything that we could, but still nothing changed.

Maybe my Harry was never going to come back.


"Aisling wake the fuck up!"


I groaned as my name was being repeated, and with each time, the volume was increasing. I stuffed my face in my pillow and brought the silky blanket over my head in an attempt at blocking out the voice.

"Aisling, get your hand off the intercom or I swear to God I will break out of here and tear your entire fucking arm off!" The voice threatened venomously as their words broke through my thin barrier of blanket and pillows.

"What the hell?" I groaned and rolled over.

"Hand. Off. Button. Now." The voice spoke again.

My eyes slowly fluttered open as drowsiness was pushed aside. I knew the only person that slow, husky voice could belong to. I propped myself up on one elbow and saw Harry standing at the glass, glaring down at me with irritation written all over his face.

"Wha-" I looked down to see that my free hand was pressed against the button on the intercom. I was about to lift my hand, but thought better of it. "How did you know?"

His eyes narrowed in annoyance, "You fucking snore like an old man."

A quiet laugh bubbled past my lips, but I stopped it from growing by slapping my hand over my mouth. I removed my hand to make a snide remark, "What? Did I wake the sleeping beauty?"

"Yeah, you kind of fucking did."

I rolled my eyes, "Boo fucking hoo."

"You are so annoying. How in the hell did I ever put up

with you?" He spat.

My sad smile graced my lips, "I dunno, kiddo. I'm not really sure how I'm putting up with you acting like a douschedick right now, but I'm managing."

"I really want to fucking strangle you right now." He huffed.

"You failed before, so I'm not sure you would succeed this time." I pointed out.

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