33. New Family Member

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Doc, Harry, and I all got into one car while Sister Elizabeth got in another. I sat criss cross in my seat and Harry sat with his legs stretched in front of him. Doc started the car and glanced at the two of us in the rear view mirror. I laid my head back against the head rest, closing my eyes tightly. Harry's hand reached over and pulled one of mine out of my lap and entwined our fingers.

"Ready?" Doc murmured, eyes locked on us.

He received only a wave of a hand from me and an incoherent grumble from Harry. Doc sighed and put the car into gear, pulling away from the hospital. Sister Elizabeth's headlights shined behind us as she followed close. Doc instantly turned the radio and let the soft melody of the music mingle with the patter of the raindrops hitting the roof of the car.

I didn't do anything all day besides sit in my room and reminisce with happy memories, so why was I so tired?

I yawned and shuffled closer to Harry, feeling his arm wrap around my torso instantly. I twisted in the backseat, readjusting the seat belt and laying my head in Harry's lap. He pulled his fingers from mine and started playing with my hair. I snuggled closer to his warmth and pulled both of my hands close as I relaxed into his body.

It didn't seem long before I was woken back up. Mumbling not-so-polite things, I sat up and looked out the window with tired eyes. I used the back of my hand to rub the crust out of my eyes as I squinted out the window to get an idea of where we were and why I was woken up.

"Doc.." My voice trailed off, at a loss of words.

We were parked in the same spot that we were the first time we came here. Night was fast approaching with the sun setting in the distance, and the gray clouds already taking up most of the sky. Birds were cawing from their nests as the cuddled down for the evening. The same gravel and dirt path that we had driven on was right under us as we sat, waiting for some kind of reaction out of me.

"I just thought you would like to say goodbye before we left." Doc spoke softly, staring at me intently through the rear view mirror.

I nodded meekly, unbuckling myself and opening the back door. I heard the other doors open and close after me, but I ignored them as I focused solely on my mission. I stepped out of the car and listened to the gravel crunching under my shoes as I walked along the path. I wrapped my arms around myself as the wind chilled me to the bone.

I was wearing simple converse, black skinny jeans, and a loose t-shirt. I walked along the path until my destination was in sight. I stepped into the soft, dewy grass that was freshly cut and wet from the recent shower of rain that threatened to pour down again. My arms were stretched on either side of me as I walked, fingers brushing the headstones lightly, as if they were dancing on the rough surface.

I finally got to her resting place and sat down. I wasn't bothered in the slightest about ruining my pants. I just wanted to say goodbye properly without having a breakdown and almost killing myself. I wanted to say goodbye to my sister.

My fingers ghosted over the letters of her name as I mustered up the courage to talk to her again.

"Hello again, Aibhilin. I'm deeply sorry about last time. I had a bit of an episode, eh? I didn't mean to freak out at all, much less how I did. I'm sorry about ruining our time like that. Doc was kind enough to bring me back here before we really left so I could say goodbye. It's a shame that you won't meet him even though he's simply over there. He's a good man. He's been very helpful lately.

"And then there is Harry. My my my he sure is something. You know how you always had to boys by your side? Well, I have mine. He is amazing. We've had our rough patches being psychos and whatnot, but there is just something about him. He's changed me so much, and I'm quite pleased to say that it is for the better. He's made me a better person. I've been zoned out a lot lately, and I've been thinking about him the whole time.

"I've tried to come up with different scenarios where he isn't there, but they refuse to pop up in my head. All I can seem to come up with is happy possibilities where he is always there by my side. It's weird to be so connected with someone. I'm still not used to it. There is a bit of a problem though, Aibhilin.

"To say that my feelings for him have grown would be an understatement. I really like him. Like, a lot. A lot A lot. if you know what I mean. I can't tell him that though because he cannot possibly feel as strongly for me as I do him. It's impossible. It's just.. I don't know. I'm so confused. This is supposed to be the part where your ghost self comes popping out, giving me a lifetime worth of help, guidance, and advice before you disappear like mist, but I guess I'm just not lucky enough to have that happen.

"It's just really hard being around him so much with my feelings mounting to such an extent, and not being able to tell him. My throat constricts, my palms get sweaty, and my mind goes flat. It just won't happen. Oh God, I like him so much. It's funny how I never believed in love.

"To love someone or to be in love. There is such a difference, but people don't look hard enough to even realize it. You can love someone like a family member or a best friend, but to be in love, you get those tingles and butterflies in the pit of your stomach when you see them, your heartbeat picks up until it threatens to pound right out of your chest, and you just know that they are the one. Good God, Aibhilin. Look at me being so poetic." I sighed and laughed lightly, running my finger through my hair absentmindedly.

When I spoke next, my voice was barely above a whisper. "I think I'm in love with him, Aibhilin."

I shook my head and was about to stand up, but a hand came down on my shoulder and stopped me from moving. My eyes went wide like a deer caught in headlights and my muscles became rigid. The person was still behind me, not moving, and stopping me from doing so as well. My heartbeat picked up considerably, but this definitely wasn't because I was excited about being in their presence.

"Hello Aibhilin. I wasn't able to introduce myself last time. I'm Harry. Aisling has told you about me, but I think it's my turn to talk to you. I never got to really meet you, but I think this will suffice. From what Aisling has said, you are an amazing person. You were her light in the darkness that surrounded her, and I would like to thank you for that. You held her together, piece by piece, as long as you could.

"You are something extraordinary, Aibhilin. It's a shame that we never met because I think we would have gotten along rather well. By helping Aisling, you helped me. You will never be forgotten. I hope to see you soon, Aibhilin. Thank you for all that you have done." His voice was a whisper when he finished the last sentence.

He smiled sadly at her headstone and pulled his hand off of my shoulder. Stepping around, he held his hand out for me to take and I looked at it skeptically. Placing my hand in his, he lifted my off the ground and pulled me against him. I placed the side of my head against his chest as he held me close, his head bending down to nuzzle in my hair.

"Time to go." He murmured in my ear.

I nodded against his chest, knowing full well that if I opened my mouth, it would be word vomit and that was just something that should not happen when I was in this kind of state. He pushed me at arm's length and walked around until he was behind me.

"Can't have you tracking dirt into the car, now can we?" Harry's voice was mischievous.

I twisted my head to look at him quizzically, and when I did, I saw a cocky grin tugging at him lips. I opened mine to ask what in the hell he even meant by that, but then I felt his hand brushing the dirt and grass off of my butt and thighs.

Once he was done, he straightened up and smiled at me in satisfaction. I merely rolled my eyes and muttered, "You just wanted to touch my ass."

He feigned innocence and shock. "I mean, that might have been part of it.."

I snorted and hip bumped him, walking back towards Doc and the car. Doc was leaning against the side of it with his hands shoved in his pockets as he watched us make our way towards him. Harry continued to swat at my butt, and each time I would slap his hands and twist my body away from him, laughing the entire time. He would whine and go again, and I would simply stop him just like the time before.

"Where's Sister Elizabeth?" I asked once we were all seated
back in the car.

"She said she would head to the hotel to pack her stuff and check out while we were here. We're meeting her there and then we're heading to the docks. Do you think you'll be able to last the trip on the boat without causing a problem or am I going to have to sedate you?" Doc glanced at me in the rear view mirror as he twisted around the paths to head back out the gates.

"I don't do boats, Doc."

He sighed, "I thought so. Just relax until we get there."

I nodded, resting my head on Harry's shoulder as my body sagged. I watched the trees blurring as we sped past, all the colors coming together beautifully. Of course I people watched as we came across families crammed in minivans and arguing couples in their small box cars. It was easy and calm in the car with the music resonating out of the speakers, Doc humming and tapping his fingers against the steering wheel, and Harry tracing patterns on my knee.

Time flew by in a breeze. I stretched and wiggled in my seat right as we pulled up to the dock. I tensed in my seat, fingers digging into the seat beside me. My eyes widened as I scanned my surroundings for a way out. Just as my hand clawed at the handle of the door, I felt a pinch in my forearm. I squeaked in surprise, head whipping around to see what was going on.

Harry stared at me with wide eyes and apologies spilling out from his lips. My eyes darted down from his to the needle that was being pulled out of my skin. I heard the door beside me opening, and then felt my seat belt unbuckling. My body was lifted from the back seat with ease.

"Come on, kiddo." Doc murmured in my ear.

My body was becoming heavier by the second while I was fighting off the urge to close my eyes. I saw Harry scramble out of his side of the car, rushing to catch up to us. Doc was carrying me in his arms until Harry appeared at his side, arms outstretched. Doc handed me over to Harry without any comment or hesitation. I sighed in content once I felt his strong arms wrap around me.

"Something bad is going to happen when we get back, Doc. I can feel it." I slurred, lifting my hand off of my chest without my lack ounce of strength. I waved it around, pointing at him, eyes behind my hooded lids trying to convey a message.

"With all that's happened lately, that is the last thing we need. Just go to sleep, Aisling." Doc muttered, fingers pulling on his bottom lips with furrowed eyebrows as he crunched along the gravel towards the dock.

I complied with his request easily, exhaustion taking over and dragging me under.

When I woke up, we were back in a car. Or more like the van that we used to drive to the dock when we were on our way to Ireland. I don't know how we got it back or where they had it stay that entire time that we were gone, but when I woke up and saw the stain on the arm rest, I knew it was the very same van. That stain was in fact the first thing I saw when my heavy eyelids finally opened.

The next thing I saw were a pair of bright green eyes that invaded my personal space, only about two inches from my own. My eyes widened, and as quickly as the eyes appeared, they disappeared. I slowly sat up, turning in my seat to glare at the beaming boy beside me.

"You're awake!" He chirped, grinning at me widely.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." I grumbled, scanning the car.

He mimicked me, shrill voice and all, " Thank you Captain Obvious ."

I rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath as I situated myself in the back seat. I huffed when I pulled the seat belt forward to give me more space and it decided to smack back in my face. After a few minutes of squirming and wiggling around, I finally found a position that was comfortable. I sighed in sweet relief.

"How far away are we?" I piped up, rolling my head towards the rear view mirror.

Doc hummed for a minute, glancing at the scenery around us before responding, "About twenty minutes."

I nodded, rolling my head back to look at Harry. I was upside down with my head in his lap, on knee bent with the foot on the ground, and the other leg bent and twisted so that it was under my other leg. It was comfortable in its own strange way.

Harry was looking down at me with a curious look on his face. His eyes were traveling all over my body without the trying to be discrete in the slightest. When his gaze finally settles back on mine, I had one eyebrow quirked and a satisfied smirk on my lips. My arms were crossed over my chest smugly.

"Like what you see?" I purred, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Mhm." He hummed, nodding his head vigorously.

I laughed, earning a dimpled, toothy smile from him. I poked at his dimple playfully, watching his smile widen. We used the rest of the time in the van by telling incredibly cheesy jokes, making fun of each other, singing to whatever was on the radio as badly as we could, and making faces at the cars that we passed.

All in all, the rest of the car ride was a good one.

It was when we began the journey up the dirt and pebble road that led to the asylum that our high spirits diminished. All of our faces fell, jubilant expressions sinking, and chatter quieting. I stared at the huge building that had been my home for quite some time ruefully. The car parked just outside the front steps and we all sat there, still and silent.

The window on the passenger side was knocked on roughly, snapping us out of our stupor. Doc sighed and put the window down. Sister Elizabeth's beaming face was stuck in through the window, smiling and eyes twinkling at our obvious misery.

"Come on then, you lot!" She chirped, pulling her head back out.

We glanced at each other wearily, unbuckling ourselves slowly. Harry grabbed the bags that were on the floor by his seat and glanced at me one more time before sliding the door open and stepping out. I sighed heavily, following suit. Once we were out of the van, we all looked around with varying emotions scribbled across our faces.

Sister Elizabeth looked like she could bust out in song and have a musical.

Harry looked exhausted and on edge.

Doc looked like he was in pain.

I had nothing.

There was this feeling that was creeping over me, looming. Everything in my body was telling me not to go inside. Run as far and fast as you can away from the building, but I was stuck in my spot. I couldn't will my legs to take a single step towards or away from the asylum. I simply stood there and stared blankly.

"Come on then!" Sister Elizabeth clapped her hands excitedly, ushering us towards the front doors.

I glanced at Doc, pleading with him, knowing full well how futile it was. His eyes were full of understanding, yet he still shook his head. I growled under my breath and stalked towards the building with its threatening aura. It was giving me this bad vibe telling me to stay away, but with Sister Elizabeth's talons digging into my back, all I could do was walk forward.

Sister Elizabeth walked around me, a bounce in her step as she bounded towards the doors. Doc, Harry, and I shuffled behind with defeated postures. Once we were up the stairs and beside Sister Elizabeth, her smug face turned towards me. There was evil lurking behind her mask and a knowing glint in her eyes.

"Welcome home, Aisling. As you know, this home is open to anyone who is willing to get the help they need. Now that you're back, it's time for you to know about what big surprise has been behind these doors ever since you left," Sister Elizabeth's voice was confident and on the verge of spitting out whatever information she had been hiding. Her smile widened to the point that I thought her face would split, and then she announced, "We have a new family member!"

She threw the doors open, revealing the lobby that was filled with patients and attendants. Most of them despised me with a burning passion, but they were all standing there with smiles on their faces. They screamed, "Welcome back!"

Doc, Harry, and I walked in the threshold with mouths agape and eyes wide, taking in the scene around us. Everyone had quieted down, waiting for any kind of reaction from one of the three of us. Sister Elizabeth was leaning against a chair to the side, watching on with her ever so knowing smile plastered to her face. I saw Rylie, Rick, and Mason standing just behind her, watching and waiting like everyone else.

I heard a high pitched squeal that I knew for sure didn't come from Harry or Doc, so when I turned to face away from them with a confused expression, I got the full view of a thin blonde launching herself at Harry. She jumped right at him, nearly tackling him to the floor if he hadn't wrapped his arms around her, steadying himself.

Doc and I whipped around to stare at each other, baffled. My eyes were wider than before and I was positive that they were bugging out of my head. Doc looked mystified with eyebrows drawn and creases in his forehead. The room was silent for a few seconds. That was until the tiny blonde squealed again.

"You are mighty fit!" Her voice was girly.

Her hands clasped on his cheeks, holding him still as she ducked down to kiss him. Gasps were heard from varying people in the room, myself included. My eyes flitted from the girl to Sister Elizabeth who looked like she had just won a new car. She was so pleased with herself.

When the girl pulled back, she giggled, petting his curls fondly. Her eyes were scanning his face, proud of the daze that she had put him in. She was almost glowing with delight as she looked over her shoulder, taking in the shocked faces of the people around her. She turned back to
Harry, leaning down so that her lips ghosted over his.

"It is lovely to meet you, Harry. I'm Paisley."

That was when I snapped back and realized what exactly was going on. Shutting my mouth and straightening out my lips into a firm line, eyes locked on the tiny blonde clinging to Harry, I strolled over to where he was standing. I immediately heard mumbles and murmuring coming from people as they were anxiously awaiting my next move.

"Hello Paisley, I'm Aisling. It is so lovely to meet you."

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