Chapter 35

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My heartbeat accelerated to the point where I thought it was going to jump right out of my chest. I was completely and utterly wound up, and for some reason, I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was simply the impact of the situation finally hitting, and hitting hard. I grabbed Zayn's wrist and yanked, dragging him behind me as I exited his dark room. Once we were out in the hallway, I sped up, long strides and quick steps.

"So, what are we going to do?" Zayn piped up, smirking.

I huffed, using my free hand to push stray hairs out of my face. "Not sure yet."

"So, you haven't thought about this yet?"


I felt him pull back a bit, faltering my strides. He pulled his wrist free of my grasp and stopped completely, facing me. I turned on my heel to look at him head on with my arms crossed over my chest. My eyes were narrowed into slits, irritation washing over me. My gaze was burning holes into his face.

"No plan? You just want us to march in there and do what exactly? You need to think about this. If you want to get rid of Pink Princess and snap Crazy Boy out of his trance, then you need to make a plan. Come on Aisling." Zayn's tone was condescending and that only irritated me more.

"Yes Zayn, I will waste more of my precious time coming up with a plan that will probably back fire in my face. Sounds lovely, really. I mean, while I'm talking about this with you right now, Crazy Boy is probably fucking Pink Princess into next Tuesday. So, instead of pissing me off more, you should just follow me and do whatever the fuck I say, yeah?" I seethed.

He merely rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me, indicating that I lead the way. I shot him a smirk and set off again, this time strolling slower, peering around each hallway that we passed in search of Harry and Paisley, maybe even Doc. As we were nearing the Game Room, I head an obnoxious, high pitched laugh that seemed to bounce off the walls and etch itself into my brain.

I grimaced at the sound and turned to glance at Zayn, seeing a matching expression adorning his features. He cleared his throat as we stopped outside the doors that led to the Game Room. "So boss , are we just going to run in there and pounce on her or did you come up with something?"

A small smile tugged at my lips, eyes twinkling. "Okay.. You're going to go in there and distract her. Do whatever it takes to keep her attention off of Harry. Try and stay with her all the time. You're basically going to whisk her away and become the Prince to her Pink Princess, yeah?"

"Hmm. When did you come up with that?"

"Just now. Go get her, tiger!" I pushed him towards the doors lightly, giving him the thumbs up as he glanced back before shoving the doors open and strolling in.

I took a leveling breath and rolled my shoulders back. Straightening my posture and holding my head high, I counted to ten before I entered the Game Room as well.
Patients were sprinkled across the room, participating in various activities. There were tables with chairs facing each other lining the walls, a game of chess or checkers sitting atop the tables, begging to be played with. In the middle of the room, giant balls that you could sit on and bounce around we being used by a couple of patients, different pitches of laughter colliding and twisting with each other. Other toy and trinkets were either hung on the walls, counters, shelves, or in cabinets, waiting to be used.

Tall windows took up an entire wall, allowing the moon light to filter in. The trees were swaying lightly with the breeze outside, leaves fluttering and twirling with the current of the wind. The stars were twinkling, lighting up the sky. Inside, the lights were giving the room a soft glow. The lights weren't invasive like out in the hallways; these were calming and relaxing, allowing you to enjoy the peace of the games and toys around you.

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