Chapter 29

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I sat in the car, empty. There were no emotions swirling around inside me like there normally were. There weren't any feelings attacking my senses sending me into a frenzy. No memories or thoughts bombarded my mind.

I was simply empty.

Harry sat in the adjoining seat beside me. He tried to not make it noticeable, but I knew that the entire time we were sitting there, his gaze was on me. I knew Doc was balancing watching the road and watching me through the rear view mirror. As inconspicuous as they were trying to be, they were failing miserably.

I sat with my legs tucked together and hands in my lap. I watched the trees pass by in a blur through my window. It was fun how unfocused my eyes were, allowing me to watch the greenery fly by without focusing on it. The darker shades mixed with the light green as the trees became one.

We had already driven through the city. It was just like when we had been on our date. The night life was buzzing on the outside of the car while on the inside, everything was still. The shop windows were illuminated with a welcoming glow, the signs were flashy and inviting, and the ice cream parlor that we passed looked as brilliant as ever with couples seated in the booths that were visible through the windows.

Odd how that was Harry and I just about two weeks ago.

Harry and Doc were silent the entire time, watching and waiting. Soft music came through the speakers, adding background noise. The songs were light and low, making it easy to get lost in their beat. I could hear Doc's fingers tapping on the wheel as he drummed along to the song.

The car smelt old and unused. It made sense though because the vans were hardly ever used seeing as patients rarely left the building. Only special and dignified patients were taken out to see the town and the life that went on around us. I was never one of those people until Harry showed up and charmed his way into the van with me by his side.

We drove for hours.

Well, Doc drove with Harry and I along for the ride.

Other cars passed us, and we passed them as we drove along. I saw children in vans watching movies from the tiny screens that hung from the ceiling. I saw people in the passenger seat with their feet on the dashboard arguing with the driver while flailing a map around in aggravation. I saw teenagers with their heads leaning on the cool glass of their windows, napping the ride away.

Funny how I was a teenager just like them, but living such a completely different life.

They were probably out with their friends on the weekend at clubs or each others' houses, partying and having the time of their young lives while I was cooped up in a crazy building. My idea of fun would be beating Doc at cards in the Game Room on the rare occasion that we went there.

More hours passed while Doc's finger drumming amplified to low humming. My body was growing stiff from being seated in the same position, but if I moved an inch, both heads would surely swivel to watch me like a hawk. So I sat uncomfortably for a few more hours with my thoughts to keep me awake.

My little sister was dead.

My family had actually adopted me.

In an outburst, Doc told me that he never wanted me.

Sister Elizabeth hurt Pandora until she killed herself because of me.

Harry changed into a dark monster who wanted most in the world to check off "kill Aisling" from his checklist.

And even a few more hours went by without the tiniest attempt at conversation from either guy. They both kept themselves occupied in their own way. Doc hummed and tapped his fingers to the beat of whatever song was pumping softly through the speakers. Harry was switching from watching me intently to watching the world pass by us.

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