Chapter 2

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Louis' POV.

I was in school, obviously. Niall was with me even though Harry said that he can't be with me. He is really good guy and my friend. It felt weird to think that Niall actually was my friend. We were sitting in school's hallway on the bench. Niall was sitting next to me and that felt even weirder. We talked about everything and nothing. This guy is so funny. He made me laugh all the time. It was just so easy to talk to him. I saw Harry staring at us angrily. I could literally feel his anger against me. It got me anxious. "What is his problem?" I asked nodding at Harry's way. Niall shook his head slowly. "I don't really know." He said sighing. I let a small sigh out of my mouth. It was really weird. "Don't worry, mate...when he gets to know you he will like you. That is a promise. Harry is just...a bit hard to get to know with." Niall explained and tapped my shoulder smiling. I smiled back of course.. "I hope so." I muttered. Niall laughed and sighed after it. "I don't even understand why all the people hates you. You seem so nice guy." Niall said looking straight to my eyes. I gulped hardly and looked away quickly. I didn't say anything. "Why they hates you, Lou?" He asked suddenly seeming curious. I looked down at my hands and closed my eyes. If I tell him he will hate me too. I can't tell him. He will bully me too. I turned my glance at Niall and he seemed a bit sad. Why? But would he hate me if I told him? He is a good guy. I'm going to ruin this friendship...but I hava to tell. "Um..." I started and looked down at my hands again. "Niall...uumm...I-I'm..." I tried to say but I couldn't. There was nothing in my head. It was empty. "You're what?" He asked clearly confused. "I'm...I-I'm gay." I whispered. I closed my eyes and waited him to start to shout in horror. But he didn't. Suddenly I felt two arms around me. I snapped my eyes open. It was Niall. I was confused...he was hugging me. Why was he hugging me? I just told him that I am gay and he was hugging me. Did he hear me right? 

"Louis. Why couldn't you tell me that simple thing? Being gay is not a bad thing. I am too and...well lets not talk about it but you shouldn't be afraid to tell me things like that. I couldn't never hate you. Lou. You are like my best friend already."   Niall explained pulling away from the hug. I looked towards the place where Harry was saying nothing. He wasn't there anymore. "Okay...Harry is bi and I think that he likes you and that's why he acts that way." Niall said quickly. I chuckled. "Yeah..." I said sarcastically. "I meant it. Usually Harry is not that angry and you haven't done anything to him. He just can't hate you for nothing. He is just afraid of falling for you." Niall explained but I really didn't believe him. I shook my head and laughed. "Nobody can fall for me...I'm just...nothing." I said. "Harry can...and I know him. Trust me. And you're not nothing, Lou. You're everything." Niall putting one arm around my shoulders. "Thank you, Niall. I appreciate your words. And thanks for not hating me because of the...thing." I thanked my friend nervously. " shouldn't be ashamed  of yourself. And remember that you can always tell me anything." Niall said looking straight to my eyes and I nodded my head smiling at the blond guy in front of me. 

After the school I was just alone. I was still in the school and I had this bad feeling in my stomach. It wasn't nice because when I had that feeling something always happened. I was walking on the school's hallway and I saw my bullies...of course. They were waiting for me again. Just like every other day except some days when they have football practice. I sighed closing my eyes. They were leaning against my locker. I walked over to them trying not to be afraid but I was. "Can you please move?" I asked not looking at them. Tyler laughed evilly. "No." He said chuckling. I rolled my eyes biting my lower lip. Tyler pushed me against the locker and the iron locks sank into my skin and it hurt badly. I whined closing my eyes. Tyler raised his fist and hit my on my cheek. I fell down on the floor putting my hand on my cheek. Tyler kicked me on my stomach and I coughed. I couldn't breath anymore. My head started spinning and I felt dizzy. Tyler just kicked me all over again and I was sure that he wouldn't stop until I was dead. I yelped in pain trying to cover my stomach so his kicks wouldn't hurt so much. "Hey! Stop that!" I heard someone's roar. Tyler stopped quickly turning around to see who had shouted that. "And why should I do that?" He asked chuckling with his friends. The person came closer to Tyler. "I said...stop." He said strongly. He made some weird noise from his throat that made Tyler and his friends scared. They all looked very pale and they started to run away from the guy who had stopped them. Thanks to him who ever saved me because I was already sure that I would die. I coughed and tried to breath.

The person who saved me came next to me. "Get up." He said roughly. I saw curly hair...the one and only...Harry Styles. I sat up with Harry's help. He lifted me up on my feet and I whined again because it really hurt. "Okay then." He said turning around and walking away from me. What happened? So he just saved me and just left? "Thank you." I said loudly to him. Harry turned around and looked at me. He looked angry. "Don't even think that this would change anything. I hate you. I hate you so fucking much Tomlinson." Harry said evilly. I gulped. He was angry. He turned around again and walked away. "Why didn't you beat me up then? Everyone else does that too! Why didn't you?!" I shouted after him. He turned around again and looked at me and opened his mouth but then he closed it. Then again opened it and closed it. Then he turned around and walked away...again. Well that was weird. Why didn't he beat me up but then he said that he hates me? I was so confused and Harry didn't help my confusion.  I sighed and walked to my home my mind full of questions.

-edited x 


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