Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

-2 months later-

Louis has not come home yet. I can't live without him. How could he leave me. He probably live happy life with somebody else. I decided to move on. I'm going to forget Louis. I don't need him, and how big lie that is. I need and miss him so much, but he don't come back. I started a new life and moved in my own house. It's quite small and it's in the middle of central London. I like it in here. It's comfortable and peaceful. I decided to go back school. I don't have anything else to do. I'm bored all the time. With Louis life would be so much better. Well, if he don't want to come back...he won't come back.


I woke up. It was morning. I sighed and smiled. I rolled over but I was hit by cold empty bed. My smile fell. I had beautiful dream, it was about Louis. He was there, hugging me and giving me kisses. I miss him so much. I looked at my nightstand, there was picture of Louis on it. I took it in my hands and stroked Louis' cheek. One tear rolled down my face. I wiped it of and took deep breath. I'm not going to cry after him anymore. I got up and dressed up. I went into the bathroom and looked at the mirror. I looked a bit better. I didn't have so black circles under my eyes. I smiled. Then I saw something again...I saw Louis behind me. I turned around quickly but there was nobody in there. I turned at the mirror and I saw Louis. "Hi Harry." he said. I looked at him with wide eyes and blinked a few times.

I sat up and screamed. I gasped and tried to catch my breath. "What the hell was that?" I asked at myself, as I stood up. It was already morning. I yawned and rubbed my temples. I walked over to my closet. I took clean clothes and put them on. Black ripped skinny jeans and white t-shirt. I walked into the bathroom. I brushed my theet and washed my face. I looked at mirror but I didn't see Louis...that dream was weird. When I was ready I walked into the kitchen.

I made breakfast...or I made coffee. I didn't eat anything. I just hunted so I didn't need anything to eat. I don't have school tomorrow, but I decided to go walk. Fresh air would be nice after two months being in my old room. I took my phone ans keys and went outside.


I was in park. It was beautiful. I sat down on pench. I sighed and looked around. I saw couples with their children and old couples who were walking hand in hand. I was so happy for them. I was a bit jealous I think. I sighed and closed my eyes. The sun was shining and it was really warm day. Well, I couldn't feel it but...still. It felt nice. Suddenly I heard some little girl sobbing. She was a quite far a way from me but you know...vampire senses. I stood up and ran over to her. I kneeled down in front of her. "Hello, what is your name love?" I asked. The little girl wiped her tears of. "My name is Hattie." she said. I nodded and smiled at her. "Well then, Hattie where is your mom or dad?" I asked. She started to cry again. "I-I d-don't know where's my dad is." she sobbed. "Come with me. We have to find your dad." I said. Hattie stopped crying and smiled. "My name is Harry by the way." I said. Hattie nodded. She took hold on myt hand and we started to walk around the park.'

"Hattie?!" Someone yelled. I turned around and saw a blonde boy. Hattie turned aroud too and run over to her dad. "Oh Hatt. Where have you been? I've been so worried about you." her dad said, as he lifted Hattie up and kissed her. I walked over to them. Hattie's dad didn't look so old. "Oh thank you so much. I'm Josh Devine." Josh said. I smiled and shook his hand. "Harry Styles." I said. "Do I own you something for finding my daughter?" Josh asked. "Oh no mate, the important thing is that Hattie found her dad, eh?" I asked and tiggled Hattie a little. She giggled like a mad. "You seem quite fun guy. Would you want to come drink some coffee with us?" Josh asked. "Oh yeah. That'd be great." I said. Josh smiled and nodded. We went into the coffee shop.

We sat down with our coffees. Hattie had her icecream. "Hattie and I live together, she is my only child and I was so worried. I turned around and looked back at Hattie and puf she was gone." Josh explained. "Yeah...I found her crying and I couldn't leave her there." I said. Josh smiled and nodded. "So why do you live with Hattie, if I may ask?" I asked. Josh smiled. "Oh, Hattie's mom just left us, but it was just good. She was a bit weirdo. She didn't want Hattie so I took her." Josh said. I nodded. "Well boyfriend left me two months ago." I said. Josh gave me a sad smile. "Well, he didn't know what he lost." Josh said. I blushed and looked down at my hands. "That's true." I mumbled.

I was ready with my coffee. I got up. "You're leaving?" Josh asked. "Yeah...I have to go." I said. Josh nodded and gave me little white note. "Call me if you need something...comforting shoulder, clubbing friend or just friend. I'd be happy if you call me." Josh said and winked. I chuckled. I gave him a quick hug and left the café. I walked to my home, opened the door and walked in. I put my keys away and kicked my shoes off. I smelled something weird. Someone was in my house. It was a vampire. I felt how my eyes turned red, as I walked towards my living room. I walked in and saw someone sitting on my couch...

"Impossible..." I whispered while my mouth was haning open and eyes wide.


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