Chapter 7

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Louis' POV.

-2 weeks later-

Two weeks has passed and I'm still here and I don't even want to leave anymore. I got use to live in here. I wasn't afraid anymore. The whole vampire thing was quite interesting. Vampires are cool guys: Zayn is very nice guy and Niall is like my best friend. He has supported me ever since when I got here. Harry has been different. He is much more careful with me. He is really sweet and caring person but he acts like I would be a glass ball and it is rather annoying. He is so careful with me. I really like him. He is nice and I don't even care that he is a vampire anymore.

"Louis?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I looked at Harry who leaned on my room's door frame. He smirked at me. I was watching TV and I sent a smile at him. He just stared at me. "What are you looking at?" I asked laughing slightly. Harry chuckled and walked over to me. He sat down beside me. "You're beautiful." Harry whispered looking at me with odd face. I blushed. "Could you come with me? I want to show you something." Harry asked. "Where?" I asked curiously. Harry smirked at me again. "Surprise." Harry whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes because I knew that Harry knew that I hated surprises. He got up pulling me with him.

We went outside together. We didn't talk but it didn't matter. I never felt awkward with Harry. The Sun was shining and it was quite warm. Not so usual in England. Harry took my hand in his hand smiling. I felt a spark in between us. Harry still didn't talk and I was getting more curious. We just walked to somewhere. We were in the forest and it was much harder for me to walk in there than it was to Harry. There was trees everywhere and I would have gotten lost in there without Harry. "Where are we going?" I asked finally breaking the silence. Harry looked at me. "I said it is a surprise." He answered and I rolled my eyes again. "You know that I hate surprises." I mumbled. Harry laughed at me and because of that I hit him on his shoulder playfully. Harry started to run away from me. I gasped and started to chase him he didn't use his vampire speed. It was fun. I was much smaller than Harry so of course he was faster too. We laughed loudly and it felt amazing.

I used my all strength to run faster and I got closer and closer to Harry and then I jumped on him. He fell down me on top of him. Suddenly the forest ended and there was no trees anymore. We were in a meadow. It was beautiful. My mouth hung open. It was something I hadn't ever seen. There was flowers everywhere. Different colours and it was just so beautiful. I looked around and gasped a bit. So...I was on top of Harry. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. He started to lean in looking down at my lips. I looked straight into Harry's shining green eyes and started to lean in too. Our lips met in the half way and I can't even tell you how I felt. Just like...I felt alive. It felt like Harry made me live more. Harry's lips were cold but soft. I felt sparks, fireworks...everything. The kiss was simple short kiss but it was full of love. It was sweet kiss but then suddenly Harry pulled away and got up quickly. I fell down on my bum because I was on top of Harry. He turned around so his back was facing me.

I got up too. "Why did you do that?" I asked feeling confused about the whole situation. Harry just shook his head slowly not looking at me. "'re confusing me. Only two weeks ago you said that you can't be with me 'cause I'm a monster. 'Cause I'm a vampire and now we kissed." Harry explained. His head hang low. "Harry you're not a monster. I never said that! Why would I kiss you if I thought that you're a monster. I want to kiss you because I like you...a lot." I said to him. He just shook his head again and laughed. "But Louis, you were right. I am dangerous. I thought that I can control myself two weeks ago but now I kissed you and...I smelled your blood and I'm not sure anymore. I'm only trying to save you...I don't want to hurt you. I said that I love you but you don't love me and lets keep it that way." Harry said sounding angry and sad at the same time but he was wrong. I thought about it for a while and decided to say it. "No can't just shut me out. I want you to be with me. I need you, Harry." I whispered.

Harry turned around and looked at me. I couldn't read his expression. Suddenly he was standing right in front of me. He was very close. " you need me, huh?" he asked. "I-I love y-you Harry. I'm in love with you." I stuttered out smiling a bit. Harry looked at me for a while but then he smashed his lips against mine into a hungry, hot and heated kiss. It wasn't a sweet kiss. It was a snog. Harry pushed his tongue into my mouth and I was surprised. Our tongues danced together. I didn't know what to do and I was glad that Harry took the control. He pulled me closer and I let a whimper out of my mouth. It felt really good. Harry smirked against my lips biting my lip gently. I stepped even closer and slipped my hands into his long curly hair pulling it a bit. Then was Harry's time to moan. I smirked against his lips. Harry pulled away and looked straight to my eyes. He pecked my lips one more time. "Louis? Will you be my boyfriend?" Harry asked. I smiled at him. "Yes...of course. I would love to be your boyfriend." I said to him. Harry kissed me again. "I love you, Louis." Harry said. I laughed a little. "I love you too." I answered blushing once again.

"So you you don't sparkle in the sunlight like in Twilight...but you don't burn either like in the vampire diaries?" I asked Harry. We were in the middle of the meadow. We were sitting in front of each other. "Well yeah I burn in the sunlight but I have my sunring." Harry said and showed his ring to me. It looked old and expensive. "So you can control the four elements?" I asked again and Harry laughed. "Yes." He answered nodding his head. "Show me." I said to him. Harry closed his eyes. Suddenly there was water bubbles in the air. The bubbles were small but it was beautiful. They sparkeled in the sunlight. They were like diamonds. I looked around and gasped. It was so beautiful. "Oh Harry...this is beautiful." I said. Harry opened his eyes and the water bubbles fell down. I gasped a little 'cause the water was cold. Harry looked at me. His beautiful green eyes sparkled. "So do you have any questions?" Harry asked. Oh yes I had questions. "How old are you?" I asked. Harry laughed. "I was born in 1702's." Harry mumbled. I stared at him. "Is this joke? Do you mean that you're 313 years old?" I asked. Harry just nodded. "Wow...I have an old boyfriend." I huffed. Harry laughed and hit my shoulder playfully.

I kissed him. "Yeah but I'm not that old. I'm 313 but Zayn is like 700 years old and the world oldest vampires are like 2000 years old. So I'm a young vampire." Harry said. I rolled my eyes. "Who turned you? And why?" I asked. "It was Zayn. I was eighteen and one vampire fed from me and I was dying so Zayn smelled my blood. Zayn didn't want me to die so he turned me. And I'm glad that he turned me 'cause then I wouldn't have met you." Harry explained kissing me. I smiled against his lips. Harry pulled away. "We have to go. It's going to rain." Harry said and looked up. I looked up too and Harry was right there was dark clouds in the sky. Harry got up and pulled me with him. "Jump on my back, babe." He said. I jumped on his back. "Okay close your eyes." He said. I did as he said and closed my eyes.

Harry started to move. I think that he used his vampire speed. Only a minute later Harry stopped and I opened my eyes. We were in our living room. "Wow." I gasped. How in the hell was Harry so fast? Niall and Zayn came in the living room too. Their eyes were full of shock and horror. Zayn stared into the darkness for a while. They looked at us. "Harry...the leaders and werewolfs are coming here. They know about Louis and you." Zayn said. Harry's smile was gone. His eyes were wide. He just stared at Niall and Zayn. They were talking with each other inside their heads. I hate it because I am left out and confused. "What is the leaders?" I asked. I know about the werewolfs but what is the leaders. "Not 'what' they are...who they are. They are the leaders of the vampires. The oldest vampires in the world. I was with them like a hundred years ago and it wasn't nice. The leader of the leaders wants a revenge on me because his wife died and he thinks that I did it. He has been waiting for so long that I found someone I love so he could kill him...and now he wants to kill you." Harry explained and looked at me. I was terrified. "But Lou...I love you. I don't let them hurt you. I can't. I will protect you even if it mean that I will die. I don't let them get to you." Harry said and hugged me. I hugged back. "When will they be here?" I asked. I looked at Niall and Zayn. "In two days." Zayn answered and I truly felt scared.

-edited x


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