Chapter 12

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Harry's POV.

I stopped running when I was far enough from the leaders. Liam stopped too. I pushed him against a tree. "How could you do that?!! How you could let him die?! You fucking asshole! I hate k-killed him. You fucking k-killed him." I shouted starting to cry again. Liam looked shocked. "Harry you have to liste...-" I cut him of. "No! Don't you fucking dare to talk to me! I hate k-killed my soul killed L-Louis." I sobbed feeling the empty whole in my heart getting even bigger. It felt felt like there was nothing in me anymore. Liam tried to say something. He opened his mouth but then he closed it. "I hate you." I whispered and then ran away. I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to see Liam Zayn or Niall. I wanted to be alone. I wanted my Louis back. I wanted just  to disappear. I wanted to be alone. I was so angry that it was dangerous to be near me. I just ran and ran. I decided to disappear. I decided that I won't go home never again. Maybe I just go to The Leaders and ask if they could kill me...yes that was a good plan.

Liam's POV.

I ran to home. I felt bad. I couldn't tell anything to Harry because if he knew what really happened he would have ruined the whole thing. I didn't expect him to run away and I was a bit worried if he did something to himself. I opened the door. Zayn and Niall were in front of me in a second. I sighed. Niall came and hugged me. "Hey...what's wrong?" He asked quietly. I sighed again and shook my head. "Harry ran away...I think he won't come back. Louis got killed." I said looking down at my hands pulling away from the hug. Niall looked straight into my eyes with tears in his eyes. "Louis WHAT?!" Niall asked. I sighed again. "Louis died." I whispered. "" Zayn asked. I gulped. "George was trying to kill Harry and t-then Louis just jumped in front of Harry and the stake hit Louis. It went straight in Louis' heart." I explained. Zayn shook his head and sighed. "This can't be possible." Zayn mumbled. I walked into the living room. I sat down on a couch and pulled Niall with me. Niall sat down on my laps. I hugged him tightly. Niall broke into sobs. He cried against my shoulder. It felt so bad. I couldn't tell them the truth. I just couldn't because it would just ruin the whole thing. The Leaders are probably watching us and I couldn't just ruin everything. I just comforted Niall and that's how we spent our night. We were crying and comforting each other. And I was mostly worrying about Harry. 

Harry's POV.

I didn't know where I was. I saw trees everywhere. I was thirsty but I didn't smell humans anywhere near. I couldn't believe that Louis was gone. Just like that, he was dead. I just miss his warm arms around me and warm lips on my lips. But how did he remember? I used my power and made him forget everything. There was something weird in this whole thing. I felt bad thinking about him. Cold wind hit my face and I smelled something good. It was a human or probably even more people than just a human. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the smell. I started to run towards it hoping to get something good.

After a few minutes of running I saw a few backpackers. There were two men and one woman. They were young. About eighteen or nineteen. I needed blood and they were the only one here. They were focused on a map so I used my opportunity to run behind them . "Boo." I said. They turned around towards me. They put hands on their hearts chuckling. I obviously scared them. " scared me." One of the men said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm so thirsty..." I groaned looking at their necks. "Oh...we have water if you want." the girl said offering me a bottle of a water. I chuckled. I used my vampire speed and sank my teeth in the girl's neck. She screamed but after a second she was dead. I dropped her body and killed the other people too. Then I was full. I didn't enjoy to kill people but I didn't care anymore. Nothing mattered. I left the bodies and ran away. I wiped the blood off of my jaw. I had to find a place where I could sleep. Even though I probably couldn't sleep.

I ran and rand and finally found a town. I saw a hotel and went there. I booked the room and went to sleep missing Louis all the damn time. I couldn't get him out of my head. I missed his warm arms. I missed his warm body. I missed his slow heart beat. I missed his warm lips. I missed his voice. I missed his laugh. I missed his singing. I missed everything about of him. Every little thing. It felt like I didn't have a heart anymore. Not like I had it before him but it just felt like he had taken it with him. I didn't have a heart anymore. I felt cold and empty. Everything were darker everything were upside down. Everything were just...just wrong. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with one tear on my pale cheek.

unknown's POV.

They killed George...they killed George. I will revenge...I will pay back. They killed him. I will kill them with my own hands. Harry lost his lovely boyfriend so he is weaker than the others. I need a little help. They will die. I hate them. Harry was alone so I would start of him. I will kill him first. He killed George's wife and then he killed George. Now was his time to die. I wanted to see how his life will fade from his eyes. i wanted to see how he would took his last breath and how he would blink his eye one last time. I wanted to saw his dead body on the ground. I just wanted to kill him and his little friends but not without help. I wanted to do this for George and for The Leaders. I wanted to make end of this. I'm ready to kill them. I'm ready for this. Harry has caused so much pain for me and for the Leaders and for George. I wanted that he feel the same pain...but then I have kill his friends first. Then Harry will be scared and he'll be alone and he's going to feel this pain.

"Boss...we found Harry." one of my men said. I laughed evilly. "So...would we go and visit him?" I asked with my raspy and dark voice. My men laughed evilly. "Of course boss. That would be great." one of my men said. I nodded and got up. Now was my time to scare Harry and get my revenge. I chuckled evilly and we started to ran. No one will stop me one. 

-edited <3


It's quite short again. I'm sorry.  I hope you liked it. Vote and comment. Love you all! <3

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