Chapter 8

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Harry's POV.

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty afraid. I really didn't know how we could keep Louis safe. The Leaders are so much powerful than us. They are way much older and there is so many members in the leaders. The leader of the leaders is George. He was my friend before I 'killed' his wife. I didn't kill her. Someone killed her and I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was beside her when she died. I comforted her for God's sake. She was a vampire. Someone stabbed her with the stake. I was beside her comforting her when she died and then George came in the room and saw my hand on the stake. I was only going to pull it out. He thought that I killed her. I used my vampire speed and ran out of the house. I left George in the room. He was crying beside his wife. He said that he will get his revenge and when I fall in love he would kill my boyfriend. So...that's a one reason why I was a bit scared to fall in love with Louis. 

"Harry?" I heard Louis' soft loving voice ask. We were cuddling on our bed. My arms were around him and he was as close to me as he could be. He looked up at me. "Yeah?" I asked. I kissed Louis' forehead. "You said that you would die for me...please...don't. Don't die. I can't live without you." Louis whispered. He had tears in his eyes. "No Louis. I won't die. I love you and we'll protect you." I promised to him. He nodded sighing. "I love you too." Louis whispered. "Now...go to sleep. I will be beside you when you wake up." I whispered to my angel. "I love you." Louis whispered again closing his eyes. "I love you too. So much, angel." I whispered into his ear. Louis fell asleep. I kissed his forehead. I smiled and got up and left him to sleep.

I walked downstairs and into the living room where Niall and Zayn was. They were sitting on the couch. They were thinking something. I sat down next to them. I rubbed my temples and thought too. "What are we going to do?" I asked breaking the silence. Niall and Zayn looked at me. "I don't really know, mate." Zayn said. I sighed closing my eyes. I have to get Louis safe. I can't let them get  him. "We have to make a plan." Zayn mumbled. I nodded. "Yeah...but three against like ten? or something...that's not fair." Niall said. "No shit, Sherlock. We have to get other vampires with us. Do you have any friends?" I asked. "No." both of them mumbled. "All my friends are mad at me or then they are dead, not really." Zayn said. What are we going to do? The leaders were coming here to kill my boyfriend and I don't have a fucking plan. Why did I let Louis in? Why did I not just be friends with him? I know why...because I love him.

"I fucking hate this." I mumbled. Niall sighed and tapped my shoulder. "Me too." He said. I rolled my eyes. I listened to Louis' heart beat. It started to rise quickly. Was he dreaming? I listened to it more carefully. I got up and walked up the stairs quickly and straight into our room. Louis was dreaming...a nightmare, I guess. He had sweat on his forehead. I sat down beside him trying to take his hand in mine but then he suddenly screamed sitting up. He looked scared. Then after a few seconds he broke into tears. I wrapped my arms around him. He pressed his face against my chest. He cried and cried. " was just a dream." I said softly. Louis tried to catch his breath. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I lifted him on my laps and gladly he started to calm down.

"A nightmare?" I asked. Louis nodded. "A h-horrible n-nightmare." He stuttered out looking up at me. I kissed his forehead softly. "Do you wan to talk about it?" I asked. "They were here Harry...the leaders. They came here. They killed Niall and Zayn and then they took me. They made me when they killed you Harry. They killed you, Harry and I don't want that to happen. Never. It was horrible and felt so real. Harry please don't d-die." Louis said and broke into sobs again. I hugged him tightly. He seemed so scared and it was all because of me. " was just a dream. I'm not going to die. See? I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I said to him. He nodded and calmed down again. I kissed him sweetly. He smiled a little. "What time is it?" He asked. "It's like 2 am." I said. Louis sighed and went to lie down again. He leaned his head against the pillow. I went beside him and pulled him closer. He put his head against my chest and closed his eyes. "Try to sleep, babe. I love you." I said. Louis just nodded and mumbled 'I love you too'. He fell asleep again. I closed my eyes too and fell asleep beside my angel. 

In the middle of the night I woke up because of a weird smell. It wasn't just any scent. It was someone's scent. It was familiar but I couldn't quite recognize it. It was someone...someone I probably knew. I got up trying not to wake up Louis but he woke up too. "Harry what is it?" He asked with his raspy morning voice. "There's someone in here. In the house. I can't recognize it." I whispered looking at Louis. He looked shocked. "Someone?" Louis asked. I nodded. I got up from the bed and walked out of our room. "Stay there." I whispered to Louis who was still sitting on the bed. Niall and Zayn came out of their rooms. "Do you smell that?" Niall asked. I nodded. "Shut up." I whispered to him. I walked down the stairs as quiet as I could. The scent started to get stronger and it bothered me badly. I walked into the hallway but stopped as I heard something. I turned around and saw a person.

"Hello Harry..."

-edited x


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