Chapter 22

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Louis' POV.

"" I whispered. I had just few seconds time to save Harry. I looked at Charles and felt how my eyes turned black. I stared at his eyes. Charles started to shout and scream. He tried to breath but he couldn't. I growled. Charles fell down. I felt huge strong inside me. I got up and looked  towards Harry. He looked at me. I felt the power to grow inside of me. Suddenly all Charles men started to yelp and shout and scream. They hold on their heads and fell on their knees. I ran over Harry. The strong just growed and growed. I fell on my knees in front of Harry. Harry put his hands on my cheeks. " have to calm down. You start to hurt me." Harry said. I tried to stop but I couldn't. Harry yelped. "'re hurting me." Harry said. I started to panick. I couldn't control myself. I really tried...I tried. Then I felt huge pain on my head. Someone hit me...then everything went black.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was in my our room. Someone held my hand. "L-louis?" I heard familiar voice. Then I remembered everything. I looked at Harry. I used my vampire speed to run away from Harry. I leaned on the wall and looked at Harry. He looked at me with confuse in his eyes. He got up. "No! Don't move. Don't come any closer." I said. "Lou-." Harry tried to say but I cut him off. "No! I hurt you. Don't move." I said. Harry shook his head. " don't hurt me." Harry said and took one step closer. I ran over to him and pushed him on the wall. I growled. Then I realized what I did. "Louis I..." Harry started but I didn't listen. "Harry...I'm not the same Louis anymore...I'm sorry...good bye." I said and used my power to dissapear. I let the tears roll down and closed my eyes. I'm a monster...Harry deserve something better. I'm not going back.

Harry's POV.

Suddenly Louis was gone. I got up. "Louis?" I asked. I walked out of our room. "Louis?" I asked. I walked downstairs but I didn't see Louis anywhere. "Louis?" I asked again. Perrie, Eleanor, Liam, Zayn and Niall looked at me. "Why are you looking for Louis?" they asked. I shook my head. I realized what Louis meant. He wasn't coming back. "Oh my god." I gasped and fall down my knees. "What Harry? What happened? Where's Louis?" Perrie asked. I took shaky breath. "Louis...left me...he just left me." I said and burst out sobbing. Liam, Niall and Zayn came over to me and hugged me. "Oh Harry...I believe Louis loves you really much but he hurt you. I think he is a bit shocked. He will come back. I promise." Perrie said. I looked at her. She had her suitcase and so did Eleanor too. "Are you girls going somewhere?" I asked. I looked at Zayn who looked a bit sad. "I'm sorry but we have to go. Someone else need us. We come to see you guys again." Perrie said. Eleanor smiled. Zayn got up and hugged Perrie. "I'm going to miss you." I heard Perrie whisper in Zayn's ear. "I'm going to miss you too. We'll see again, won't we?" Zayn asked. Perrie nodded. "Come on Pez. We need to go." Eleanor said. "Bye girls. See you." I said. I tried to smile but it was hard. Perrie took hold on Eleanor's hand and then they were gone. The house was oddly quiet.

-2 weeks later-

I was in our...I mean my room. Louis was gone and the girls were somwhere. I didn't know what to do. I felt so empty without Louis. Where did he go? I didn't even try to find him. He feel like he wanted to be alone. I understand that he hurt me but I didn't care. I love him. Louis didn't hurt me it was the monster inside him. Louis killed Charles and his men. They're all dead. I was lying on my bed. I looked up at ceiling. I was bored. I couldn't cry anymore. There was no tears left. I had been crying so much. I missed my Louis...again. I felt all the time horrible pain in my chest. Louis was gone and he wasn't coming back.

I sat up and rubbed my temples. I felt dirty and sweaty. Me greasy hair fell on my forehead. I got up and decided to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and opened the shower. I waited that the water was warm and then I jumped in. I let the warm water hit my shoulders and relax my muscles. I washed my body and my hair. When I was ready I got out of the shower and put clean white towel around my waist. I looked at mirror what was covered by steam. I looked at me. I had black circles under my eyes and I looked so horrible. I looked broken. Then I saw something behind me. It was familiar figure. "L-louis?" I asked and turned around but there wasn't anybody in there. I sighed and looked back at the mirror. I was crazy...yay.

I walked out of the bathroom and took clean clothes black skinny jeans and white t-shirt and put them on. I sighed once again and walked out of my room. I walked downstairs where Liam and Niall was watching a TV. Zayn was probably hunting. "Oi Hello Harry. You came out of your room then." Niall said. I chuckled and nodded. I jumped on the couch next to him. "Have you moved on?" Liam asked. My smile fell and I shook my head. "Never." I mumbled. Niall and Liam sighed and they hugged me. "Thank you guys." I said. Liam and Niall gave me sad smile. I was really thirsty but I'm lazy and I didn't want to go hunt so I watched TV with Niall and Liam all day.

I couldn't get Louis out of my mind. I saw him today. I was sure about it. Louis was in the bathroom. He was in there...okay...I sound like a crazy psycho but I really did see Louis. I miss him so much. He took me heart with him and I can't live without my heart or without Louis. Why he did this to me? Why?! I was again in my room. I burst out sobbing and fell on my knees. "Why Louis?" I cried out and looked at ceiling. "Why did you do this to me?" I sobbed out again. "I can't live without you." I whispered and looked down at my hands. "I can't..." I whispered. I got up and jumped on my bed and cried myself in sleep.

'Everywhere was dark. I couldn't see anything. I felt weird. I felt empty. I felt like there was nobody with me. Where was I? I couldn't see anything. I just sat there. I started to get scared. I couldn't breath. I couldn't do anything. "Harry." I heard someone say. "Harry! You're having a bad dream. Please wake up." someone said...'

I opened my eyes and looked at Liam and Niall who were looking at me. I sat up and sighed. "That was really weird dream." I mumbled. Liam and Niall sighed. "You have to go hunt. You look horrible." Niall said. I sighed and nodded. I got up and put my clothes on. Niall and Liam went in their own room. "I'm goint to hunt." I said to Zayn who was watching a TV. I sighed and ran out. Everybody is so depressed. I want to be happy again. I just want Louis with me. I want my Louis. I can't be happy without him. I need him. He is all I have. Where he is right now?

I ran to the town. I haven't been there for a long time. There was a few people in there. I smelled sweet scent. I looked around and saw few girls walking somwhere. I sighed and started to follow them. When my time came I took hold on on of the girls and used my vampire speed to run away. Other girls were confused and started to call this girl. I pushed the girl against the wall. "You don't scream and you don't feel any pain." I said to the girl. She nodded. I sink my theets into the girls neck. She didn't feel it. I sucked her dry and she fell down. I don't have a life anymore. I sat down next to the girls body. Then I realized that I'm fucked....fuck my life.


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