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London, 1860

Eight Years Back

Today was my thirteenth birthday and I was celebrating it alone in the farm lands owned by my parents. Father was on a mission today, I just woke up earlier this morning and found out that I was left alone in the house.. again. It was normal for me to be always left alone. My only best friend left me a few years back, and my parents leave me alone in the house for their missions in the city. They'd usually leave me for days, weeks and sometimes even months. Since they always left me alone, I didn't know what happened to mother when they went to the city a few years ago. I assumed that she decided to stay there instead of the boring farmlands here. But then when my father told me that she died of sickness, I wasn't able to come out of my room for days. I got over it weeks after and started living out my life normally again.

I got used to being alone all these years, we lived in the outskirts of London to lessen the suspicion from the Templar spies. Besides, it was way more peaceful out here than staying in the noisy and restless city. Even the thought of  it scrunches my nose from disgust; technology has started to rise above nearly everything, transportation has gone even better, making the downfall of everything: corrupt leaders. And the Templars.. just happened to be a part of those leaders who only seek for their own wants, not giving even a single damn about others.

I sighed at my thoughts and stopped walking, I lied down on the short grass that I cut earlier and looked at the heavens above me. The sky was filled with stars, some covered by the smoke from the factories in the city. The moon shone down at me as chilly spring winds fired at me, making me sleepy. Before my eyes could close, a certain orange light behind me shone up. Was father home?

I immediately sat up and turned around, father was home. I could tell because the candles in the house were all lit up and distant sounds of creaking floorboards came from the house. Before I could stand up, I used my Sense to check if he was really inside. The Sense went through the walls of the house and I saw two men with Templar insignias on their clothes.

 How could I not hear nor notice them earlier?

I went to the house and looked at the hidden blade on my left arm, it glistened from the light of the candles. I smiled inwardly and quietly walked up to my room where they were. "The girl ain't here, sir. We've searched the entire house." One of the men said and another voice came in "But I saw her father leave earlier! She must be hiding somewhere nearby." Why would they be looking for me?

I hid on the other side of the door frame to where they won't probably look at. Once they came out, I stabbed the first Templar on his neck and kicked the other one so that he won't be able to catch me. I walked over to him and pinned him to the floor. He tried wriggling himself free, but I stopped him from trying by pointing my blade at his neck. "Why did you come here?" I asked him coldly "The boss was looking for a lady of pleasure. He saw you in the city months ago and sent us to find you. It looked like he was looking at a yet younger one." I kept my emotions hidden behind a devilish smile and went for his ear "Tell him that it'll take more than a kidnapping to get me." I whispered to his ear and stabbed his neck, painting my blade and wrist crimson red. "In your ghost form." I smirked and carried their bodies outside to bury them. Leaving the floor boards tainted with their blood. Fucking hell, I just cleaned the floor earlier!

Before going to sleep, I tried peeking through the bedroom of my father. When I got in, I got tackled by a dark figure to the ground. I couldn't see his face since it was dark in here. We exchanged punches at each other and when I got pinned to the bed, the figure let go of me and walked a few steps back. "You still need a lot of training, my dear.." a familiar voice said and he lit up a candle that showed his face."What are you doing here, father?" I asked him and he removed his coat. "I was supposed to surprise you in your sleep, but then those men came here. I could've taken them out myself, but I let you take care of it. You have the skills to anyways.." I chuckled and folded his coat, he probably forgot about my Birthday.

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