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(UNEDITED) excuse the wrong grammar/typos

"You won't, I promise." Those words rang in my head for a few hours now, I can't even sleep because of them.

I tossed and turned on my bed, forcing myself to sleep. I was really tired, but even if I try punching myself to sleep, it still won't work. Closing my eyes shut for minutes still didn't work, the picture of his member and face were still in my head.

Damn him for not making me sleep, damn him for those images in my head, damn him for showing himself to me again!

Even if I were mad at him, I was still glad that he and his sister came here. It's a great help to me and Jayadeep to have two more Assassins here in London. The help was needed, after all.. but to have him here was somewhat uncomfortable, yet great for my opinion.

My stupid brain can't even function well with him here! The bloody hell is going on with me, I was never like this before. Ever. With the fact that he's my partner and all, it'll probably be worse when time comes.. Damn it..

I took another turn and let my tiredness come all over me. My eyelids started to fall, blacking out everything I can see and finally making me sleep. Thank fuck...

I was.. at home?

Not at Chry's house, not Jayadeep's, but in my real home.

It was the same, like how I left it.

I walked around the fields, leaving the house behind me a few paces back and faintly hearing the same voices from my other dream. The same voices of children..

Who are they?

"Father, look mother is awake now!" the boy child's voice said and I saw their silhouettes in front of me, clearing with every step they came closer.

The other child, was a girl who came at me running. "Good morning, Mother." She says and hugs me, I couldn't see her clearly, my vision was blurred and they were all silhouettes.

The next voice who called out for me was the one that jerked me awake form the dream "A lovely morning don't you think, Kayla?"

What?! Jacob?!

"Wake up already, will you?!" Jacob's voice shouted at me, startling me and bumping my head onto his forehead, making him fall back to the floor and my vision go blurry and dizzying.

"The fuck was that for?!" he shouted again, holding the area I hit on his forehead "The bloody hell do you mean, you were the one who woke me up disrespectfully, you fucking twat!" I snapped back at him and held the area of my forehead that hit him.

"It's far too early in the morning for vulgar words, you two.." Jayadeep's voice rang from the door frame "Right, sorry about that.." I said and sat up from my bed to ready myself for the day, that's when I realized..

"How the bloody hell did you even get in here?!" I yelled at Jacob and felt blood rush through me. Was he going to do something to me? Kill me? What did I ever do wrong in doing so? I suddenly felt offended. "I know how to lock pick, you know? Greenie also told me to come up to wake you up. You didn't answer the door, so I picked it and woke you up." He says, standing up while holding the area where I hit him.

He knelt back down to get his newspaper boy hat and placed it on his head. His outfit today, fit him nicely and he didn't look like the Assassin he truly was. It was an all grey outfit, but it didn't really matter..

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now