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The following evening, I made sure that Chry was sound asleep in his room before leaving. I brought three throwing knives with me, just in case that the letter was a fake. I couldn't really trust someone this much, we haven't met yet and the only thing I know about him is that my parents did work with him in the city.

When I was a few roofs away from the station rooftop, I used my Sense to check if he was actually there. And true enough, he was there. He sat on the edge of the roof and looked at the moon covered with puffy clouds above him.

I took a deep breath and walked my way there, climbing up the remaining rooftops that separated the both of us from seeing each other. As I arrived, he stood up from his seat and pulled back his hood. He had brown hair that nearly reached his shoulders, he reminded me of the man from yesterday, but his hair wasn't all slicked back. He looked like a year or two older than me, he wore white Indian Assassin clothes and was armed with his hidden blade. Yes, this is him, alright..

"Good evening, Miss Kincade," he says in an Indian accent and I shook my head "Kayla would do, Mister Green." I said, addressing him formally. He motioned me to sit next to him and I did. He was probably around sixteen when he and my parents worked together. No wonder father said he was just around my age.

"You must have questions, I'll only answer three. If you have more, you'll have to come to London," he says while looking at me "Alright..-" I exhaled first before asking him "-did father tell you to look after me before he died?"


"How did you find me and knew the address?"

"That counts as two, but okay." Fuck, I got lost in my thoughts "I have spies in and out of London and they take turns on watching over you and give me information on how you are."

"That sums about all of it, Kayla. I know you have more.." he says and stands up "One of my men will go over to your house tomorrow morning to pick you up. You're coming or not, he will be there." I nodded and turned to where Chry's house is. "And if I may, Kayla. As an Assassin and Gentleman, walk you home?" I looked at him and smiled "Of course, Mister Green. I'd like to have someone with me on my way home."


Kyle has truly trained her perfectly, her steps weren't heard in the slightest bit while I walked her home. I know that it was quite harsh of me to give her only three chances to ask questions, but it was my only way to get her to help me. It was for a good reason anyways, and her father allowed me to go and send letters of help to her.

Her face was always as blank as a new piece of paper with no emotion written on it. I could tell that she was in deep thought, so I didn't bother to talk with her for now.

Once we arrived at her home, she stopped on the stairs that led to the door and turned to face me. "It was nice to meet you, Mister Green. But please, do stay here for a few minutes. I'll have to pack a few things of mine." I couldn't help but smile at what she said. "Why so sudden, Kayla?" she shrugged "If my father were in my place right now, I know that he would do the same thing. Especially that you are one of his friends." I nodded and she went inside through the window that led to her room.


Before packing my things, I wrote a letter for Chry and slipped it through the small space that stood underneath his door. I slightly felt bad for not telling him in person, but Assassin work is Assassin work and it can't be just thrown away when the opportunity is given to you.

I said yes immediately to going to London mainly because I needed answers to my questions and it wouldn't really hurt to help him take my hometown back from the filthy Templars hands that rule over it. Besides, I was born to do such things, not live my life out normally like Chry does.. Given that fact, I promised to myself that I would never place too much trust on someone and to never be caught in a relationship with anyone in this mission. It was the easiest I could do for now, so why not do it for the time being?

I put on my Assassin robes on and placed on my hidden blade once more. My robes have become a little bit small for me, but it would do. If I had enough money in the future, I would get myself a new and better one. The hidden blades' cold metal felt warm on my left arm, it felt lighter than the last time I wore it. I tried flicking it in and out, it felt good to wear it once again. I placed on my father's thick gloves so that the blade won't cut any of my fingers when I flick it.

Before going to my things, I polished it a little bit and placed some oil on it so that it would work to its finest when I'm going to use it. In front on the mirror, I looked deadly yet unknown. I filled the inner pockets of my coat with throwing knives and hid them so that they won't be seen during inspection.

I packed my things and went out through my bedroom window. Mister Green stood in front on the house with a carriage. He carried my bag for me and we went in. "I can't help, but say thank you for this, Kayla. Your soon-to-be arrival to London would be really helpful." I smiled "You're welcome, Mister Green. It is one of my duties after all to help someone in need.."

While waiting in line for the tickets, I bought food for the both of us and offered his with a small smile. He thanked me for it and got the ticket from the counter. We had our bags inspected and all my weapons hidden inside were unseen. Mister Green gave me a small smirk of success and tired carrying my bag for me. I refused because it was just light and I would use a little weight on me. He didn't argue about it and we went to our designated seats.

It took us a few minutes of waiting before the train has finally started to move on the tracks. The sun has already started to shine from the horizon and from the crowd, a voice I truly knew called out for me "KAYLA!!" Chry.

I looked out the window and saw Chry running towards the train with the letter I wrote to him in hand. From the emotion he had on his eyes, I could tell that he was confused and sad. Tears have started to fill his eyes and he did his best to fight them back. I wanted to stop the train and explain everything to him, but I couldn't and the last thing I heard before the train finally sped out of the station was Chry's shaky voice calling out my name.

I'm so sorry, Chry..


No one's probably reading this by now. Screw it, 'cause I'm going to continue this. I've got nothing to do anyway soooooooooooo YEAHHHHH

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