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I threw the corset across the room and put on a bra instead. The fucking corset showed off my breasts too much and I didn't like it. I'm not one for appealing men with the two gems on my chest,it looked and sounded bad. Even Chry was more perverted because of my breasts, he would occasionally wolf-whistle at me and I would slap his arm for it.

I looked at myself on the mirror: brunette curls that reached my waist was tied up to a side braid that ended just a few millimeters above my chest, my blue eyes colored like the sea on a hot summer day and the civilian clothes I wore. I have three throwing knives strapped on my upper thigh which was hidden underneath the linen of my dress. My face didn't have any make up at all, so the men who will try to court me wont be able to recognize me immediately.

As soon as Chry knocked on the door, I opened it. "Ugly as ever.." he said in a low tone and I lightly punched his chest "At least I don't look like a home-less dimwit like you." He chuckled and messed up my hair "Alright, you win this time." And like hell, I did. I fucking owned it!

We walked our way to the pub and the moon shone brightly above us. Carriages went past us, leaving a trail of lined mud from its wheels. The gentle Autumn breeze fired at us, sending loose strands from my braid flying behind me.

Once we got to the pub, a cheerful atmosphere of music, singing and drinking welcomed us. It was mostly drinking, to be honest.. Chry removed his top coat and put on the apron one of the cooks gave him. I took mine from the rack and went on with my work.

Men and women played violins, the grand piano we had, sang and danced shanties about the city. I and two other waitresses went and gave them their orders. Out of their dizziness, they would pay us thrice the amount needed for their drink, I count it as tip and give the required amount to the pub owner. It was always like this every night here at the pub. Smiles and shanties all around, there may be a few fights among drunkards, but they do what they have to outside of the pub.

As the night became deeper, more and more men came in, most of them leaving with a woman or two next to them. Chry would fake cough behind me and say "They're gonna regret what they did tonight in the morning." I would laugh at it and the owner would tell us to go back to our work.

The two waitresses with me asked permission from the owner to join the drunkards and he allowed them to and gave them a day-off tomorrow. Since we all know whats going to happen when they go home. They thanked the owner and left me with their jobs. How great..

When they left to sing with the drunkards, two people came in. Lady and gentleman, they looked like siblings in the same age as me. They wore civilians clothes, but there's something about them that tells me to keep my guard on. I went over to them to get their orders and the lady spoke: "We'd like two bottles of rum, please." I nodded and went to the counter to get their drinks. She thanked me for it and went to talk to the gentleman.

"Who's the new customer?" Chry asked from behind me "I don't know.. Probably tourists on a break." I answered and the music and singing stopped. "Forgive me, sir. I didn't mean to.." a weak voice of one of the waitresses said in the middle of the crowd.

I went to find her and saw her on the ground with a reddish cheek that was probably from a slap. "Whats going on?" I asked and a drunkard spoke up. "This little bitch spilled her drink on my clothes!" he tried to give the waitress another slap, but I stopped him "Like she said, she didn't mean it. Like her, you're also drunk!" his face turned sour and he clenched his fists "Who the bloody hell are you calling drunk?!" he yelled at me and attempted to punch me. I easily dodged it and he brought out a knife from his coat. "I'm gonna kill you, you bloody little bitch!" like hell, you could actually hurt me a single bit..

He swung his knife and I dodged his attacks with ease. The more he got angry, the more he tried to hurt me with his knife. When I was tired of dodging his weak swings, I took the final dodge and gave him an uppercut that sent him to sleep.

The owner came out of the crowd and helped the waitress get up "I'm sorry, Kayla. You're fired!" he spat at me for not following the rule of doing fights outside of the pub. It was alright, I understood it and removed my apron. Before returning it to him, I folded it neatly and went out of the pub. I felt eyes on me as I walked out, but I didn't really care. This is one of the downsides of being the helper, one wrong move and you get hurt. Badly.

Either way, it felt nice to give someone like that drunkard an uppercut. He deserved it, anyways.. If I didn't step in to help her, she would've gotten hurt more than she already has been. Sacrifices must be made to make something bad better, even if it would take away something special from you.

Walking on the street was a little bit boring than it usually is, so I decided to go walk home on the rooftops. Before doing so, I used the Sense and looked around. I saw the gentleman from the pub hiding behind an alley a few blocks back. I faked that I was using the Sense and went on with climbing the building. He followed me and I stopped to sit down and enjoy the view of Crawley from the height I was on and soon enough, he showed up and sat a few feet away from me on the same roof.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a calm yet deep tone without looking at me "Sitting, obviously..-" he chuckled "do you not have eyes?" I continued and he stood up from the edge of the roof and walked over to my side. I stood up to leave, but he held my arm behind me. "The bloody hell is wrong with you, leave me be!" I yelled and pulled my arm away from him, but his grasp tightened. He looked at me with a questioning look. His hazelnut brown eyes had a tinge of green on the middle and his chocolate brown hair that was slicked back flew to the side as the wind blew at the both of us, I also noticed a scar on his right eyebrow. He looked like a thug to me, to be honest. Who the hell are you and what do you want to do with me?!?

"If you need a prostitute, there's a lot of them in the pub earlier in case you didn't see any.." I said and a smirk found its way to his face. "I'm not that kind of man, my lady." I rolled my eyes at him and he let go of my arm "I'm no lady, sir." He looked away and I took the opportunity to quietly leave him alone there.

Before he could look at me again, I was already gone, running away but in quiet steps. My mother taught me this trick to carry all of my weight while running to make no sound in doing so. She said that it was helpful, and here it is!

Chry's house was in sight, so I stopped running away and walked like nothing ever happened. It was easy to act and all, but the time I had to change from unknown lady to what I am supposed to be when I'm at Chry's house was a little bit too small.

I went in through the back door and went to change my clothes. Before going to bed, I noticed a letter placed in the middle of my bed. It didn't say to whom it was from, but it said where it was from. I opened it and read on the roof with the light of the moon.

Miss Kincade,

I write to tell you that I will need your help back here in London. Templars are getting bigger in numbers and it looks like they rule the all of it. During the day, corrupt Templar politicians rule in the offices and by night, a gang called the Blighters bring fear to all.

By now, I may be the last Assassin left in London who looks over it. I have told the court about this, but they never listen to me saying that they needed more time before sending more Assassins here. They don't know about you and I only do. They think that you died along with your father in you farm house, but I alone am the only one who knows the truth.

Please think of this thoroughly and send a letter to me on the address written on the letter. I look forward to hearing from you.


Your Father's Old Friend

This letter gave me questions that needed answers, but I have a feeling that it was just fake and that a Templar spy has been watching my every move. It looked quite serious and the person must've known me or my father for some time. The only question that was hitting my head hard right now was who wrote it..


DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now