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Sorry for the short update people, I've got so much to do for the final quarter of my school year. Anyway, I managed to get this little part of the story out for you all and I hope you like it :DD


A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of thunder and lightning outside along with the hard rain that poured. It was probably around the third hour and I had trouble on going back to sleep, which left me to stay up and look at the ceiling above me.

Before I knew it, I was imagining things that I could've done when father was alive and when I left Chry behind to come back here. Tears were falling from my eyes and I didn't even realize that they were falling themselves. I have to control my tears now, I can't just have them falling easily..

I tossed and turned around my bed for a while until I finally got hungry. The rain seemed like it was going to last until tomorrow and it was good. I love the rain and the coldness it gives me. I went downstairs and got a little biscuit. Mister Green was still asleep and no one is outside. Or so I thought..

Once I was done cleaning up the utensils I used, there was a thud of something at the backdoor. It wasn't thunder nor lightning, but something else.

I crept my way to the back and hid behind a cabinet near the door. There were a few more thuds until it finally broke open. In came five armed brutes that had masks on their faces. Each one held a kitchen knife on their right hand. "Grab all the valuable-looking things you can find and meet me back here in ten minutes." A voice said and their nearly quiet footsteps went to different directions. Two went to the front of the store, two went to the kitchen and one was coming towards my hiding spot.

With no weapon or my cowl to help me, I decided to wait until he has moved forward a few steps before going after him to take him down. It wasn't as quiet as I would usually do, but it did work on him. I threw my arm around his neck and pulled back, with my other hand, I covered his mouth to keep the noise to himself and a few seconds after, he was out cold on the floor.

I looked at his clothes and realized that he was not a Templar. Even so, I had to do what was required to. To make sure that he was really knocked out, I gave him a roundhouse punch to the face and disarmed him of the knife and weapon belt he had on before going after his friends.

I followed the two in the kitchen and ripped the lower part of my sleeping attire while doing so. "Go and tell the boss that we don't have anything to be robbed 'ere." One of the men said and I waited for the assigned man to appear in front of me.

Without another second passing, the man appeared in front of me with out realizing that I was right behind him. I rolled the cloth I had to make it thinner and placed it around his neck, making him lose breath and fall to the ground with the rain covering the noise he made.

I took the knife he had on his belt and threw it at his friend. It landed on his head and sent blood to fall down from his skull along with a little brain matter in it. I smiled and thanked the trees I had to throw knives at back then when I was at home.

Before I could go after the last two, they have had found their way to the kitchen and had their guns aimed at me. Shit. "Lie down on the floor and let us pass through the door." One of them said and I obeyed. He snickered and the both of them ran out the door. I stayed there and took a knife from the counter and followed behind. "Screw it." I mumbled to myself and ran after the carriage they rode barefoot.

Rain poured hard on my clothes, making them easily become wet. The one driving the carriage clearly didn't know how to drive it and tumbled before it could even reach the main road. Again, they had their guns aimed at me and this time, fired at me. I, on the other hand, dodged the bullets with ease as I went closer to them Holding the knife harder with every time I got a step closer to them.

When they ran out of bullets, they cursed at each other and brought out their knives. I hid a smirk and readied for their attacks.

The brutes came at me and did their best to try and wound me with the kitchen knives they had with them. I smirked at their way of handling the knives, knowing that they didn't have any training, I used my advantages and knocked them out easily. I had no intention of killing anyone unless I really had to. The both of them knocked out cold and unarmed. I took their knives and placed it somewhere where no one would find it easily.

Once I finished, someone called out for the police. I immediately ran away to the darkness and away from the scenery, hoping that the person who called out for the police didn't see my face.

I got back to Jayadeep's shop with him waiting for me in the kitchen. He gave me that what-have-you-been-doing look and I smiled at him. "Forgive me for leaving bodies on you floor, Jayadeep. I'll just get cleaned up and fix this mess." I said and walked past him. "No need to rush, Kayla. I'll clean it up myself. And forgive me for not being able to help you take out these men while I had slumber the entire time." I pulled a strand of my hair back to my ears and looked at him "Nonsense, Henry. I had the pleasure of killing them." He a had smile on his face and went on to clean up the mess.

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now