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Back to Kayla's POV, dearies! But this one will be a little flash back to what happened three days ago, so expect a lot of time skips and sorry if it might be a little bit shorter than the other chapters ;-;

I'm saying it here so that you won't be all like "WHAT PART OF THE FANFIC IS THIS?!?!"

Anywho, I'm still thinking on making the ending sad or not, I'll leave it to you people, okay?

Conscience: Enough shit, and on with the fucking fanfic Author-sama! (/- m-)/

Me: YES SIR, RIGHT AWAY! \(; - ;\)

Ah, shit.

I nearly forgot about it.

His death anniversary.

Father's death anniversary.

I cursed myself as I beat up the Blighter blocking my way to the Clock Tower, ending his life when as I slammed the skull crusher of my silver knuckles on to the top of his head, feeling the cranium inside his head break, letting the skull crusher dig in deeper to reach his brain, yelling as I did it to make the anger go away.

The fuck is he even guarding here for? it's not like there's anything worth guarding here for. I took the chance to throw him out on to the Thames River below the bridge and sprint back to the bottom of the Tower.

I readied myself for the climb to the top once again, holding on to every single piece of metal that my finger could dig into and use it to bring myself even higher than before. It was easier then the first time and before I knew it, I was a the highest point of London.. again.

I opened the secret door and went inside the room where I've been keeping all my intelligence about the Templars of London. It was just a few hours ago when I was searching for leads on Templar Masters and Gang Leaders. Just a few hours to go around London and ask pub owners about the different Templars and their Gang Leaders, asked the police for drawings of their faces and make the wall in front of my desk a huge area where I arranged them accordingly to importance.

"Just a little more time, and I will take the lot of you down with my partner and colleagues."

I smiled and picked up the picture of me with my parents from my desk. My eyes started to fill with tears, blurring my vision. "I'm sorry I can't go home this year father, mother.." I whispered and wiped the tears away before they fell on the photograph and placed it back.

I went to my wardrobe to change into the robes I wore coming here and go back outside to get myself the materials for things I need to make this hideout a little better and more spacious. My money was enough for the materials and tools I'll need and probably enough drinks afterward.

Before going out, I hid everything that was of good use or could give information to anyone who could come inside. There was a little trap door underneath the desk that I found out before due to my great dose of clumsiness. I hid my back up revolver, three throwing knives and a few bullets along my written information about Templars and money.

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now