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I went in line for the train tickets and paid a pound in exchange for a green ticket. Before entering the train, I handed the ticket to the conductor and he checked my case for the objects inside. I made sure that the weapons I owned were perfectly hidden within the linen of my clothes, so that they wouldn't be confiscated from me. When he was finished checking my case, he closed it for me and I thanked him with a smile.

I stepped inside the train and was welcomed with men, women and children who looked at the windows. Saying their goodbyes to their loved ones that will be left behind, others had a newspaper that covered their faces while the read it. I took an empty seat at the far back of the carriage and looked out the window that faced the busy crowds of the station.

A figure that I've not seen for years appeared in the middle of the crowd. He wore Assassin Robes and had a mustache growing. A few strands of his hair was fading to the color of gray and he looked at me. Father.. Before the train started to move, he smiled and waved at me. With the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

I stared out to the window and didn't even realize that tears were streaming down from my eyes, only to be realized when an old man asked me if I was alright. I told him that I was fine and he didn't have anything to worry about. With that, he smiled at me and went back to reading the newspaper.

As the train went speeding on the tracks, the view of Crawley that seemed a few hours' ride came into view. It was nearly like London, except that it had less factories and the air seemed a little bit cleaner than London's. There were only a few factories to be seen and it looked like there were no Templars around. 

The atmosphere was more lively than London's, I could tell because the vendors are always smiling and there were very few children who steal from the pockets of men and women.

Before getting out of the station, my bag was once again inspected by an officer. Like the first time, my weapons weren't seen and I got through easily. I breathed in heavily, smelling the scent of smoke, burning oil and children who haven't bathed in days. A voice in the crowd that called out to my name snapped me back to reality and I followed to where it was. I looked like a lost child, following something that looked like a huge trinket.

When I found out who it was, I immediately dropped my bags and hugged my best friend. His midnight black hair was longer and had curls at the ends, his brown eyes looked down at me and messed up my hair once I pulled away. "Welcome to Crawley, Kayro." He said, addressing me with that one hell of a bloody nickname he gave me when we were younger. "Thank you, Chry. Please just call me with my real name.." I said and he took my bags from the floor. "Yeah, not going to happen. Kayro." He said, sneering at me and I punched him lightly. He laughed and said sorry to me.

While we waited for a carriage to come, we talked about what happened with our lives when we parted as children. His parents left him here two years ago and are now drinking themselves to death in the Caribbean. He works at a pub every night and he's asking me if I wanted to work with him. Of course, I agreed to it. A huge smile found its way his face and he hugged me "Thank you for being here with me, Kayla." He finally called me with my real name. I smiled and hugged him back.

His house was small on the outside but huge on the inside, it had three rooms and it was very neat. He brought my bags in a room on the second floor that showed the neighborhood around us. I thanked him for letting me stay and he told me to get dressed, he was going to show me to the pub he worked on.

A few minutes later, I came out of the room wearing my Assassin Robes underneath a civilian's clothes that I got from father's dresser. It fit me perfectly and I could see Chry's occasional looking at my breasts. Pervy little fuck.. I know it was normal for men to do that, but my own best friend eyeing me sounded disgusting for me. They weren't even that big.. I hid the blush within me and walked with him.

"She's fine, Chry. We could use another waitress or a cook. Pay is just equal for everyone." The pub owner smiled at me. "I'd like to be a waitress, sir. I can't be promising enough as a cook, but I'll help occasionally.." he nods and grabs a tankard for the three of us. "I look forward to seeing you work here, Miss Kincade." He says and brings up his tankard, Chry and I did the same and finished it on one go.

The pub owner was nice like he said, our monthly pay was all the same. I stayed at the house during the day to read books and doing household chores, while Chry did the cooking and heating up the bath water. At night, we would go to the pub together and work until there's no one left. Which was very rare, since the pub we worked on was quite popular to the people of Crawley.

I've been working at the pub with Chry for about five years since I left London, during the day, I'd include my work on helping the people in need to my chores and ask nothing in return. Because of doing such things, I'd have men come at the pub every night to court me. Of course, I'd turn them down, since I don't want to be in a relationship yet I need someone who will like me for what I truly am, not what they think I am. Maybe even someone from the Creed.. I blushed at the thought of loving someone from the Creed, we'd have children and train them to be Master Assassins. Chry on the other hand, is doing his best on courting me and like the others, I'd turn him down as well, since I know that he deserves someone better than me.

When I told him that I didn't deserve him, he barely comes home nor work at the pub, he would be all around town having his way with prostitutes. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen and went on with his doings. I knew that he wouldn't stop, so I left his home and left a note on his room saying that I will be living in a lodging in town until he's still doing his work, sometimes, he brings his woman home and I would have sleepless nights. Their voices were disgusting and I could hear everything, even without using the Sense, I could see them in my imaginations.

Even if I left his home, I still worked at the pub. He would occasionally tell me that he was sorry and that I should go back to his house. "I'm your best friend, not your wife." I told him and he looked down at his feet "I understand.." he muttered in a shaky voice and went back with his work. He was changing and I didn't like it, I missed the kind and helpful Chry, the one who always smiled with me and who fired insults at me. Where are you hiding within this thing you have become?

While I stayed in the lodging, I would still get letters and flowers from the men who courted me. And the all of them were turned down, I'm not even as nice as my neighbor: Marie. She was the one they're probably looking for. Well-groomed, perfect face, nice form, you name it. But there's only one down side she has. She swears more than I do. Nearly everyday, she swears at something or someone. Her temper was hot, so she can't really keep her feelings to herself. One imperfection breaks all the perfections you have..

As for Chry, he would come over to my doorstep and beg for me to come home. He looked somehow better than he used to and more handsome, I didn't know why, but I still didn't agree on going back to his home. I have this strange feeling that the thing he was back then was still within him and I'm not in the mood to hear sounds from his room again. When I told him no, he nodded and went back to the streets of Crawley. I felt bad for him, he's been left behind by his parents and here he is now, losing a best friend with no one else to be there for him. Fuck it..

I ran after him and said that I was going back to his house in one condition; he won't bring or fuck another prostitute. To live as the old him back when he didn't court me. He agreed to it and hugged me tightly, I missed him so much..

True enough, he kept his promise and everything went back to the way it was. He would work again at the pub and help me with chores. Sometimes, I felt stupid for not having a feeling of affection to him. Maybe it's because you're looking for someone else.. Even though he was my best friend, he doesn't know that I'm an Assassin. Even if he was the only one left here to be with me, he still doesn't know a thing about the real me. Which was also one of the reasons why I turned him down. I can't afford to have him know that I'm an Assassin and he'd leave, or that he was a Templar sent to kill me. I can't be so sure with telling him the truth.

What kind of a friend am I?!


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