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Back to present!! >:DD sorry if it's a little bit shorter than the other chapters ;-;


My head was slightly throbbing as I woke up inside my hideout inside the Tower. I couldn't remember anything that happened after I fell asleep on his arms in the alley. I couldn't have done or said anything stupid, right?

I looked around to see if he was here, and thankfully he isn't. I sat up from my bed and saw my robes on the foot of my bed. I was curious on what I was wearing right nwo and found out that I was wearing civilian's clothes. Christ, what happened?!?

Anger seared through me as I stood up and found my gauntlet on my desk. I slid it on my left arm carefully and noticed that the weight has gone up by a little bit. I looked at it and found out that there was some mechanism attached to it. That's just when I found the note along with it on my desk. The sloppy handwriting gave me the idea that Jacob did it. It has the instructions on how to use the new mechanism. Pretty nice of him to do so, because if this wasn't here at all, I would beat him up to death the moment I find him at the train hideout.

Before going out to the Station, I hid my gauntlet underneath my sleeves and armed myself up. I also fixed my hair to a double crown braid that ended with a ponytail hidden beneath the newspaper boy hat I borrowed without permission from Jacob.

As soon as I got out of the room, I used the grapple to get to the building just across the Tower and ziplined myself to the roof of the building. I must say, this grapple could help me a lot in this mission. I guess after my angry talk later, I'll be thanking him for this.

I dropped down to ground level and walked out of the alley I dropped on to the main street where I saw Evie talk with Mister Bell. I waited until he left with his carriage and went over to Evie. She without another moment passing, ran towards me. I did the same and we ended up both standing in the middle of the street.

"Where have you been the past few days, Kayla? Jacob and I have been worried about you!" she asked in a way so fast, a normal person wouldn't be even able to understand. "I was out looking for information about the Templars." I half lied to her and she bought it. She told me about how they made the train our new hide out, which I already knew, but still played along.

We walked ourselves to the Station while she talked about what happened the past few days. She said that Jacob was really restless and more worried than her and Jayadeep about me. I let in a smile and said how nice of him to worry about someone he just met.

The afternoon started to shift into night as well finally reached the station, where Jacob was so happy to finally see me again. Evie excused herself and went inside the main cart, where I assumed our personal belongings were.

He nearly embraced me when I lifted up a finger to stop him, it was too early for that. I heard him mumble about how rude it was of me and I smiled in a devilish way. "What the bleeding hell have you done to me inside the Tower, Frye?" I asked in a low voice while keeping my smile. He was taken aback about it and said "I was trying to keep you safe from sickness, you drunk." damn, that hit me hard. "Fine, you win, but make sure you tell no one about it. Or so help me I will fucking kill you." he laughed "Says the woman who can't even beat me in a head-to-head fight." That was it, I couldn't handle the anger anymore and stomped my way to the train, with him laughing behind me.

As I stepped in the carriage, I couldn't help it, but just look down at my shoes to hide my reddened face. "My my Jake, That is one hot-headed friend you have." says a voice of a woman from beside me, which startled me a bit. I looked at where it came from and saw another Assassin standing by the doorway.

She had dark red hair that reached her shoulders, green eyes that looked at me disgustingly and freckles on her entire face. I have to admit, she looked beautiful and the robes she wore showed more skin than hide it.. it made me want to vomit right there. Who the hell is she?!

"Not really." says Jacob as he came in through the doorway "She may be hot-headed, but she's nice to have around." I rolled my eyes at his definition of me "Who are you, if I may ask?" I said trying to keep my nice side on "Rinnel Hyde. I'm Jake's friend and spy for the Brotherhood." she said bluntly "More like acquaintance." Jacob said coldly and went over to my side

We stood like that for a few moments until Jacob broke it by telling Rinnel that we have to get going because we were going to help Evie recover artifacts from Templars in a few hours. It was true and Evie told me about it earlier while we were walking going here. She agreed to it and let us go before the train moved out of the station.

"Who? What!? How? When?!" I yelled at Jacob as the train finally got out of the station. "She's an acquaintance of mine back at Crawley. She arrived just yesterday, the Brotherhood was looking for us. She should be gone within a few days. We helped each other in our missions. My father trained her as well, she lived in a house just across ours and her parents aren't always around, so my father kind of trained her.. I think." Hell, she's kind of like me. "Can we just go to where we will meet up with Evie soon?" I asked and he nodded.

I let him lead the way and followed suit with my grapple. He smiled when he saw that I was using mine and went on ziplining through rooftops. I yelled him a thank you and got back a you're welcome from him that me smile.

When I was becoming nauseaous from the ziplining every after two steps, I decided that I should just sprint behind him. Using the grapple too much might make the hook blunt and the spring coil inside worn out fast. Jacob did the same and within a few minutes we finally arrived at the place where we will meet up with Evie.

"About time you two showed up."

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now