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Jacob knocked on the door to Jayadeep's shop and let me go in first. I thanked him in my mind and was welcomed with Jayadeep holding a cup of tea in hand. He looked at my bruised face intently and set his cup down as he sighed deeply. "What happened?" he asked like a father and had his arms crossed in front of him.

"We had a little one-on-one, Greenie." Jacob says before I could explain to him. "She's a hard puncher, I'll give her that," he continues and Jayadeep shakes his head in disagreement. "I thought I said that you will only show him around, not fight against him." I opened my mouth to speak, but Jacob stood up for me again. "Actually, I was the one who asked her for a little fight ourselves." Jayadeep looked at me intently and sighed "I will forgive you two for now, but please, don't try to have a fight again?" I looked back at him and answered this time "You have my word, Jayadeep." I smiled at him and went upstairs to leave the gentlemen alone and to my room.

Before entering, another door in the hallway opened, letting out Evie with a few books in hand. She looked at me with surprise as she noticed my bruises "Kayla, are you alright? What happened?" she asked like a mother and I smiled, making her even more confused "I got in a little fight with your brother dearest." Her eyes bulged "I'm so sorry about that, I'll see to it that he will have a lecture about this." I nodded at her and went towards my room, where I cleaned myself up, putting on civilian clothes afterwards.

There was slight chattering downstairs, and the voices were mostly Jacob and Evie. Silently going down, I saw the way that Jayadeep looked at Evie. They sat on chairs in a little circle and they didn't realize I was there until I showed up from behind Evie, making Jacob and Jayadeep's eyes bulge a little bit.

"Silent as a mouse, aren't we, Miss Kincade?" Jacob teased and I rolled my eyes at him, Evie gave him a slight punch to his arm "Excuse my brother, Miss Kincade." Evie apologized for her brother and he chuckled "No problem, Miss Frye. I could deal with it." I say and turned to Jacob "And it's normal with me if I'm that silent, Mister Frye." He looked back at me with a damned smirk. I hid my anger and sat on a chair inches away from the Assassins' little circle.

Jayadeep stood up from his seat "Alright, given the fact that we now have four Assassins in London, maybe we could split up and work together in partnership." I saw him look at Evie for a split second, earning a slight blush when she looked back with a small smile. "That would be great, Greenie. I'd love to be partners with you on this mission." Jacob says and stood up from his seat "I'm afraid that you will be with Kayla on this one, Jacob." My eyes bulged and I too, stood up from my seat "I'll be with him?!" I said and pointed at Jacob with different feelings on my mind; anger, disgust and somewhat happiness. Why? I don't know..

Jacob's expression turned nearly the same as mine when Jayadeep said that I'd be with him. "W-why can't I be with Evie instead?" I stuttered, trying to keep my anger "Because she, herself, chose me earlier." That stopped me from saying even more, Evie chose him as her partner and I can't go against that. They would look and work good if they were together, I don't want to be a burden.. "Alright, I'll go with it.." I say and saw Jacob hide his inward smile.

That was it, the start of my partnership with Jacob Frye on our mission about freeing London from Starrick and his gang. It may be a little challenging with someone around that I barely knew. He may look like a hard one to be around with, but I'll probably get used to it overtime.

He looked down at me with a smirk on his face, making me go red from anger. I had the urge to punch him right here in the middle of the circle, but it would be rude of me to do so. I kept my anger within me and thanked Jayadeep for the information, leaving the three Assassins alone to their circle to discuss more about London's Templars.

I went to my room to write to Chry. I wanted to say sorry for not saying a proper goodbye. I knew it was painful for him to be left alone like that, but he had friends aside me, right?

Either way, I still wrote to him..

Dearest Chry,

I write to say sorry for not saying a proper goodbye to you.

I'm back in London now along with fellow acquaintances of mine, I just had important business to do back her. Though, I promise to write letters to you as frequently as I can. I'm truly sorry for not telling you I was leaving and left a note for you instead.

- Kayla

I sealed it with my signature and into an envelope, hiding it in my drawer and went to the roof to get myself some air.

The mist was present tonight, the moon was blocked by the thick clouds and smoke. The eerie fog swam in the the streets, making streetlights dim through the dark. Distant sounds of man and animal footsteps came from the streets, either walking or sprinting.

But above the rest, there was a certain laughter of a man that caught my ear. He didn't sound drunk, but of lust. Then there was a muffled scream of a woman, not fear, but pleasure. I was sure that the sounds were coming literally from the house right next to the shop.

I've heard this kind of sound before, but way louder. It was love-making in action, and it sounded really disgusting. Chry has done the same noises with her women when he brought them home to do their thing.

It disgusts me, really.. To have someone molest you while kissing different parts of your body and put fingers or men's genitalia inside your genitalia. I know it's the process in making children, but it just sounds disgusting.. for me, at least. Maybe my view about it will change if I'm the one doing it.

Sounds of footsteps from behind me grew more and more as the owner of it stopped just a few paces back. His annoying voice rang up "Ever done such a thing with anyone back in Crawley?" he asks and I chuckle "No."

He sits beside me and I scoot away "Really now?" he said with eyes on me and I looked back at him straight in the eyes "You must have a lot of men after you back there, Miss Kincade." I roll my eyes "Yes, I did. I always turned them down." He clapped his hands slowly and sarcastically "Well done, Miss Kincade."

The noises became louder than ever, and this time, the woman was yelling in pleasure and the sounds of skin to skin contact was even worse. I turned to Jacob and saw his member rise from his trousers. "JACOB, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THAT!?" I pointed at it and felt my face heat up. He, too jumped from his seat when he saw it and covered it with his hands "Why the bloody hell were you even looking at it?!" he asks, with slight color on his face. "I-I just saw it!" I say in my defense and looked away from him to hide the color of my cheeks.

Silence covered us both for a long while, giving us the time to cool down and let the heat go away from our faces. None of us looked at each other while doing so. The noises became lesser and eventually stopped, which helped me calm down even more.

The picture of Jacob's member rising was still in my head, showing up over and over again. Hell, even if I close my eyes, it's still there, haunting my mind.

Once I completely calmed down, I tired standing up to leave, but a hand stopped me from doing so and held me down. "Please stay for a little while longer.." Jacob's voice said from behind me. I looked back at him and saw desperate eyes looking at me "Please..?" he looked at me with childish eyes. I said no word and sat back at the same place I did earlier, this time, he was closer than he was earlier.

"You won't regret having me as a partner." He says, looking at me. I looked back at him "I don't think so.." I say and he looks at the mist below us. His bluish-green eyes like that of a child as he looked down

"You won't, I promise."

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now