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OH MY GOD GUYS FINALLY, I GOT TO UPDATE AFTER SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FRICKIN' LONG.. I'll have more chapters posted here sooner since I'm on Summer break. I hope you guys like it and again, sorry for the late updating ;-;


"Mister Frye, MISTER FRYE!" a man's voice called out to Jacob from behind us we turned and saw a man around my age catching his breath as he searched for words to say. Jacob went over to him and helped him breathe properly "What is it, lad?" He asked, looking at the man and finally stood up straight. "I-I'd like to join the Rooks, sir." He said a huge smile made it to Jacob's face "Welcome to the Rooks then, Mister..?" he asked for the man's name "Hawke, Victor Hawke." He looked up to Jacob and smiled "Well Victor, I shall be seeing you at the station later this evening." Jacob said and a Rook behind me threw the green robes of the Rooks at him and caught it with both hands "Wear it with pride." He says and walks back to me "Thank you, Boss!" Victor says and Jacob smiled him a "You're welcome."

"Not too bad on the first day, Mister Frye." I complimented Jacob and he smirked "Not to shabby, huh?" he says in an arrogant tone and I rolled my eyes playfully "I guess so." He sighed and swept away the topic "Let's look for Evie now, she should be near the station with Greenie now." I just agreed to it and listened to the sound of our footsteps a few paces ahead of the very few, but able-bodied Rooks behind us.

They have been making acquaintances of each other behind us and in front of us came a few friends of Jack. I, myself went to them and asked if they've seen Jayadeep with Evie, who I described to them, since she and her brother were still new to town.

"They're in the open space behind a house near the station. There were carriages blocking the way to the station, making a commotion of men and women trying to get in." Says a little girl among them and I thanked her. Jacob was behind me the entire time and was watching me around the children. "Close little friends of yours?" he asked curiously and I nodded. "Let's just go to them now.." I said, feeling a tad bit tired.

We found Evie and Jayadeep at the said place where the little girl said and readied ourselves to fight the Blighters. Jayadeep gave the twins their own Kukris and gave a special one that was somewhat different from what they have "It's your fathers', he gave it to me so that I could give it to you." He says and I thanked him for it.

Evie was called by a man in a carriage on the street and went there to discuss the matters of the gang fight with Kaylock's Blighters and Jacob's very few for now Rooks. While waiting, Jacob went to talk with his Rooks and I sharpened my blade, giving it a little oil for the finishing touch and tried its now perfectly calibrated mechanism. The Kukri, too was sharpened by me using a sharp rock I found nearby and cut my palm in the process. Of course, my carelessness had to come right now.

"Here, patch it up." Jacob said from in front of me and handed a clean white cloth that I assumed was from his inner coat. I thanked him and promised to get him a new one once I had enough money. "No need, it can't be seen, anyway." I stopped him from denying it by holding up my pointer to his mouth, making him shut his mouth "Please, let me.. as your partner." He nodded and I smiled at him.

Jayadeep came up from behind us and said that It was time to start the fight with the Blighters. Jacob nodded and we went to his Rooks and readied them for a fight. They readied themselves and brought out the weapons they had in their robes, looking all aggressive and strong. No one among them was faking and they were all excited to claim back a portion of London that belong to them and the people who made it.

We walked casually out of the backyard and did a high-five to each other as we readied ourselves in the street and right in front of the Blighters, who were nearly much armed as we were, but we had more men than I expected, they were fewer than us and I could hear more in the alleys nearby. Before starting the fight, Evie came out of the carriage and stood alongside her brother who was in front of me. "Kaylock has betted his train on the fight, if we kill him, its all ours." She says and readied to fight.

I stayed behind them with the Rooks with me not like a coward, but a supporter whenever one of them need to. Kaylock shoved his way through the Blighter sin front of us and had a huge smirk on his face. He had no hair, muscular, but a lot slower than me. I assumed so, because he looked a little bit under the weather with little circles underneath his eyes.

Rain started to pour hard above us and Jacob started the fight by firing two bullets in the air. The Rooks followed after him and shot the opposing gang members. I went to the most heavily armed ones and tired them my dodging their slow swings of the knife.

Once they were catching their breaths, I took the chance and punched him hard on the face, making his head loll a bit and dodging the next attacker's blade, sending his arm back to his neck as blood spurted from the wound and swinging the kukri through the lolling man's neck and engaging my blade to immediately finish off the upcoming one.

My coat and face was nearly covered all in blood, I washed it away by putting my palms together and catching the raindrops, washing my face with it as I continued on to Kaylock himself. The twins were behind me, catching up easily as Kaylock jumped onto the roof of his train.

I followed easily and got on with the twins a few paces behind me. I climbed to the roof and injured Kaylock by giving him a throwing knife to the right calf. He called out to the Blighters on the train, jumping to the farthest car, the one nearest to the engine.

The twins took out the up coming Blighters and I killed the next ones by giving their chests a little, yet fatal hole from the chamber of my gun. More and more of them came in to fight and were easily taken off by bullet holes to fatal areas, slashes to their necks, spurting out blood that filled my coat and a few hair strands.

It was just a matter of minutes when I was the one nearest to Kaylock, who was now bringing out a gun. I stopped him by throwing a knife to his hand and letting it and his gun fall onto the side of the train. From behind me, Jacob took the killing blow from me and slashed his neck with his new kukri.

He looted Kaylock of his grapple gun, Templar necklace and the train, earning a smile from his sister as we climbed down to the carts, telling the conductor to circle back to Whitechapel station as soon as possible.

Upon arrival, Jacob took out the necklace and showed it to the remaining Blighters, making them choose to continue their lives under Starrick's control or come and join the Rooks alongside us. Nearly all of the joined and the rest went on to run back to their faithful leader.

I left them to celebrate, while I go to my hideout and start on building my room in the clock tower. I made sure that no one was following me, since I wanted the place to me, myself and I only. I'm also not a person who celebrates things much, unless I was on the mood to do so. For now, I have an important self-matter to do and it could help me whenever I need it.

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now