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Early update because why not? I managed to do my homework fast earlier and I took my free time to update



Once I've finished cleaning myself up, I placed on the Assassin robes that Jayadeep gave me with my hidden blade and fixed my hair to a fountain braid and a bun at the back where the two sides would meet up. I went back downstairs to help Jayadeep with the mess.

I fixed the things that the men tried to rob and he pulled the bodies outside to where the carriage was. He told me that he's placed the bodies near the carriage and came back before the police came. I thanked him for it and asked what he was supposed to make me do.

"Ah yes, I was going to let you go and get oil for your blade. Your Blooding will come soon and I want you to have your blade to its finest for the event." Oh yeah, my father hasn't told me to kill any Templar yet. "Where could I get the oil needed?" I asked walking over to the the door and turned around to face him.

"A man named Alexander Graham Bell. I have noted to him that you will be coming over at his place to get the oil needed today. There are children a few blocks east from here where you could ask where he lives." With that, I opened the door in front of me and didn't bother to ask why he didn't tell me the place where Mister Bell's house is and bid goodbye to Jayadeep before closing it.

Outside I went to where there were a few police riding carriages. I didn't even realize that the rain has stopped the entire time and the sun was up again, but barely shining through the clouds. It must've been around the seventh hour now and my stomach was in need of food. I ignored it for now and continued on walking to the said place where the children are supposed to be.

When I was nearly there, a small and familiar young boy's voice called out to me. "Miss Kayla!" Jack. I followed to where it came from and found him along with the children he was with the other day. They all smiled at the sight of me and went over. They all ganged up against me and hugged my legs. I pretended to lose balance and fall on my bottom.I patted their little heads while laughing and found Jack waiting for me behind the all of them.

He was looking down at his feet and had both of his hands at his back. "He's been looking for you, Miss Kayla," a young girl from behind me said and I turned to face her as I stood up from the quite wet cobble street. "When Mister Henry told us that you'd be stopping by, he was very happy about it," a boy said and I smiled at them.

I turned again to face Jack and walk over to him. He was still looking at his feet and I could see the bright redness of his face. I knelt down to reach his small height "Hey, are you okay?" I asked and he looked down even more "I-I wanted to give you this, Miss Kayla," he says and moved his hands from his back to his his chest. He held a small, yet beautiful flower. His face was already as red as a tomato and I couldn't help, but chuckle at him. He was so cute when he does that..

He reached over for my ear and placed it "There. It fits you perfectly, Miss Kayla.. you look really beautiful." He says and hugged me. I didn't care if he was dirty, and hugged him back. "Thank you, Jack." When we pulled away he and the other children walked with me to Mister Bell's house.

It was quite a walk and the children didn't seem to be bothered about it at all, they looked like they are used to long walks like this. Jack led the way and so did the rest of them, pointing out certain buildings that may or may not be useful to my knowledge.

"We're here, Miss Kayla," one of the children said and pointed the house that stood in front of us. It looked more like a small shop if I may say. Either way, I thanked the children and they went away while playing and laughing at each other's funny faces.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. There was a sound of falling objects inside and a man's yelp. A few moments passed and the door in front of me opened. A man around Jayadeep's age met me and smiled. "Good morning, Mister Bell. I am-" "Kayla Kincade, yes. You're here for the oil?" he said cutting me and I nodded. "Alright, please come in and have a seat. I shan't be long on getting it upstairs." He says and I closed the door behind me.

His house was like a small workshop, tools and materials used to build tings along with blueprints were all around on the tables and chairs. It smelled greatly of metal and wood, it smelled good for me. Mister Bell went upstairs to get to oil. I walked over to a free chair with nothing on it and waited patiently for him to come back.

There was another falling sound made, and this time it was louder. I couldn't keep to myself and go upstairs and see what happened to him. There was a door left opened and I assumed him to be there. I walked to it and saw him lying on the ground with a huge metal on his left arm. "A little help?" he asked and I went over for the metal first.

I lifted it with ease and helped Mister Bell get back on his feet. He thanked me for my actions and winced while giving me the oil. "We should get a doctor for that." I pointed to his arm and he sighed "Alright. Let's make use of my carriage at the back."

I helped him walk down the stairs and he pointed to where his carriage was supposed to be. I told him to wait at his front steps while I get it. He nodded and bandaged his arm. I on the other hand, immediately saw Mister Bell's carriage at the back of his home. I mounted it and went to the front where he was waiting for me. I helped him get in and drove the carriage to the nearest hospital that I could remember.

"Thank you for your help, Miss Kincade. I promise to return the favor to you as soon as I can." Mister Bell says and goes inside the hospital with the help of a nurse. "No need to, Mister Bell. I'm happy to help anytime." I say and the nurse closed the door for me, leaving me to go walk my way home through the afternoon colored rooftops.

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now