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I watched the three Assassins in front of me as the twins fought in about Jacob's plan on making the 'Rooks' and Evie firing back at him with locating the Piece of Eden. Jayadeep excused himself to the twins and showed them drawings of the allies that he has made throughout the years of staying here in London.

Jayadeep looked at Evie like he was taking some heart into it and smiled when she saw him looking at her. I hid my smirk and stepped in when they were finished discussing, giving Jayadeep the oil Mister Bell gave me and he smiled at me. "I'll oil your blade later. For the meantime, why won't you show your new partner around London?" I nodded and thought that it was Evie, only to be destroyed when Jacob stepped in. "And that would be me, Miss Kincade." I rolled my eyes at him and gestured him to follow me outside.

Knowing that he would follow me, I walked in a fast pace and pointed out helpful areas wherein he could corner enemies when needed. He nodded and questioned "Why won't you put your cowl down?" I stopped to face him "Why do you care if I have my cowl on?" he shrugged and rolled his eyes in a childish way. "Is there a place here where we could have a a little fight, you and I?" I looked at him through the shadow of my cowl "What for?" he went closer "Just get us there, will you?" I pushed him away out of anger "Excuse me to break your leading role, but we are partners, Mister Frye." I said and he smirked at me "Partners help each other, do they?" I didn't reply "Now why won't you help a person new to London and show him where we could fight?" I rolled my eyes and gave up "On the woods near the station, there's a nice place to have a fight." He smiled and I swear to God, that I wanted to punch him right there and now.

We walked towards the station and climbed the wall that divided the city from the small forest that lay beyond it. Surely, no one saw us. Right?

He had a smile on his face the moment he saw the area around us. Trees are tall enough to nearly show you the city when you're on top of it. Aside from the nearly all-grey color of the city, this might be the exception from the rest of it. The ground wasn't touched and a few animals sang to each other.

"How about having a wager?" he says, breaking the silence that covered us. "Fine, do whatever you want." He smiled at me and spoke again "If I win, you will show me your face. And if you win, I'll get you any drink you want to." I nodded and prepared myself to fight him.

He set aside his top hat and readied himself to fight, as well. A smile was plastered to his face as he did the first attempt to hurt me. I easily dodged it and landed a punch at the back of his neck, sending him flying to the tree in front of him.

I jumped to punched him again, but he immediately saw it and kicked me aside. He has a hard fucking kick, I'll give him that. I flew a few feet away from him and swatted away the pain that seared through my abdomen as he gave each other strong punches.

A few minutes have passed and we have not yet used any of our weapons, yet we had a few wounds planted on different parts of our body. He had brass knuckles on, so with every punch he landed on me, it sent me flying back by a few steps and I'd fake it sometimes in order to fight back and send two, even three punches at his face.

When he was finally tired of trying to punch me, I took my chance to give him an uppercut and realized to late that he was just faking it. Within a split second, he gave me a punch to my side and that nearly knocked me out. I tried standing up again, but he waked over to me and held my arms. "Enough of this, Miss Kincade, I've won against you." He says and I try to move, but my side hurts so much that it felt like a rib has cracked or something. One wrong move and it would break and puncture my lung. I tried to stand up again, but he stopped me and looked at me through the shadow of my cowl. "Please let me help you, as a fellow Assassin." I gave up on him and nodded. Before leaving the area, he checked my sides if there was a broken rib and surprisingly found none.

He carried me bridal style back to the streets and called out for a carriage. He ordered the driver to bring us to a hospital and got there within a few minutes. I paid for the driver and got a mad glare from Jacob. I washed it away and entered the hospital while getting support from his side.

A nurse asked him on what happened to me "She fell down the stairs and landed back first. No broken ribs or anything, I just want her wounds treated.." he says and I saw the slight blush on the nurse's face before she let me lie down on a chair near the reception area and called out for the doctor to treat my wounds.

Jacob on the other hand was being asked by the nurse on what happened to his face. I punched him so hard one time that his nose bled. A few bruises were showing up on his jawline and he told the nurse that he was just fine.

The doctor readied the liquids needed to treat my wound and demanded that my cowl should be set down. I swear that I saw Jacob smile from the other side of the room and eavesdrop on us. He won the fight anyways, so I exhaled deeply and pulled back my cowl. The doctor's face flushed and I hid the disgusted face I was about to show him by looking away.

He dabbed the cotton he held that was dipped on the liquids and onto my face where a few narrow wounds were made. I was used to the pain of wounds, so I didn't flinch when he dabbed on them.

After what seemed like hours of sitting down and watch the red-faced doctor heal the wounds on my face, and Jacob staring at me from the other side of the room, it finally ended and I was finally free. I don't even have any make up on. Just plain old me.

I walked towards the exit, doing my best to not look at Jacob in the eye. "I knew that it was you." He says and I turned around to face him "What, that 'lady' I was at the pub, the rooftops?" I asked, pissed at him for no reason "Indeed, love." He smirks and winks at me. I turned towards the door and slammed it on his face. He'll follow me, anyways..

The moon has already rose up, lighting the streets brighter than the dim candle light of the street lights. My cowl was down now and Jacob was walking at my left side. Carriages were barely seen at the this hour and the only thing to be heard was the gentle rustling of leaves from the remaining trees here.

When we were nearly there, Jacob stood in front of me and looked at me in the eye. "Please allow me to fully introduce myself, Miss. I am Jacob Frye, an Assassin, like you. I am in my twenty-third year of living in this world and I am the younger twin among my sister dearest and I." He says and removes his top hat in the process. "I am Kayla Rose Kincade, an Assassin in my twenty-first year of existing. I'm the only child in my family." he smiled and gestured me to move on. I did so and couldn't help, but smile to myself with the events that happened today.




DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now