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I decided to take the path going home via the station, it was three in the afternoon by now and still no sun came up from the clouds. Gentle winds passed by and the sound of a train nearing the station made me run through the rooftops faster.

From where I am, I could clearly see it coming towards the station and blow its whistle as it arrived. Men and women went to different directions with their things or children with them. Coming in and out of carriages, going to their destined places.

Through the crowd, I saw Jayadeep following two people on a roof lower than where I am. Like what he is doing, I followed them without being detected. When one of the people he was following got robbed by one of Jack's friends, he broke into a sprint, I did the same and kept up with him. I followed to where the child went and he entered a little property that two Blighters owned.

From the rooftops, I went back to the ground and landed just in time before the child could see me. "Alright keep it, lad!" the man chasing him yelled and I could've sworn that I heard that voice before. The child stopped in front of me and his eyes calmed when he recognized me. Before he could say a word, I spoke up myself. "Go and share what you've taken with the others." He nodded and went back to running.

I turned back to the man and made sure that he wouldn't see me. The two Blighters that stayed on their 'territory' threatened the man. "Oi! You're on our property." I saw a smirk on the mans face and realized that it was the same man from Crawley.

The two Blighters came at him with knives and he easily dodged each of their attacks and ended their lives with a flick of his left wrist and stabbed their sides. An Assassin?!

"Now, what else does London have to offer?" the man asked to himself and the same woman from the pub showed up from behind him "Now's not the time for sightseeing Jacob, now's the time to look for Mister Green."Why are they looking for Jayadeep?

"I'll race you up there!" the woman said and pointed the high vantage point a few meters away from them and sprinted before the man who I assumed was Jacob could even respond to her. I followed them, leaving space in between so that I wouldn't get detected.

They ran in separate ways, the woman through rooftops and the 'Jacob' man on the streets. Only climbing the building as he arrived in front of it. I saw Jayadeep again and this time, he was going to let himself get detected. He climbed the same building the two climbed and spoke to the man and woman.

I put on my cowl and followed Jayadeep, who had his cowl down. "I am sorry to her about your father's death." I heard him say and the woman replied "Thank you." I showed up behind Jayadeep and the two readied themselves for a fight, I readied myself as well.

"Calm down, Kayla. They're allies." Jayadeep says and I nodded. "May I introduce you to Jacob and Evie, the Frye Twins. They've been sent by the court to help us here in London." I kept my cowl on and the woman walked towards me, extending her hand. The hidden blade visible on her left arm "Nice to meet you, Miss?" "Kincade. Kayla Rose Kincade, Miss Frye." I saw Jacob bat an eyebrow when he recognized my voice and walked over to me as well. "I know I've heard that voice before.." he says try to look through the shadow of my cowl, searching for my eyes.

"How about we try and put down that cowl, Miss Kincade?" he says with a smirk and I swatted his hand away before he could even hold my cowl. "I'd rather not show myself to a man I do not fully know yet." I say and rolled my eyes at him underneath the shadow of my cowl. "Nice to meet you, too." He says sarcastically and Jayadeep came in "Come, I'll have you two look at the outlook of the land up there," he says and points at the vantage point above us.

Since I knew what the land looked like here at Whitechapel, I leaped from the roof and landed on the wagon of hay on the ground beside it. A few moments later, Jayadeep and the twins followed after.

Jayadeep led us back to his shop and Jacob talked about getting himself a gang called the 'Rooks' by rallying those who oppose against Starrick and get help from them to take him down. Evie on the other hand, didn't like the plan and said that they should focus on finding the Piece of Eden in London. And if I were to be honest, I was a little jealous with them. I always wanted to have an older brother and have hilarious fights like the twins in front of me.

When Jacob was going to take a turn, he bumped onto an old man. Sending the papers he held flying into the air and out of proper order. He said sorry to the old man and a movement on the corner of my eye. A Blighter pointed at Jayadeep an whispered something to another lighter that stood beside him, making him run away.

"Kaylock's gang is nearby.. here, make use of these. You'll need them more than I do. Meet me at the Curio shop." Jayadeep said and gave the twins and I revolvers. The twins caught the attention of the Blighters by firing their guns in the air and leading them away from me and Jayadeep.

There were five of them who followed us two and fired their revolvers at us, making civilians run in different directions around us. I loaded the revolver and stood behind to shoot the Blighters while Jayadeep ran away.

With every shot I made, it went in the forehead of the Blighter, giving him a crevice that immediately filled up with crimson blood and little brain matter. More of them came and this time, two to be exact. They had knives instead of guns and I matched their weapon by hiding the revolver in one of my coat's pockets and readied my hidden blade armed left arm. They came at me with unmistakably weak swings and I slit their throats open after dodging each one.

When it was over, I looked at my robes and saw no sign of blood splattered on them. I ran to Jayadeep's shop and saw a carriage in front. I assumed that it was the twins, so I didn't pull down my cowl and knocked on the door before going in.

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now