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Tears have started to fill my eyes and Mister Green saw them. He handed me a handkerchief and I refused and brought out mine instead. I knew that he had questions for me about Chry and he washed them away instead and went to sleep with his head to the metal of the window pane. I did the same and woke up a few hours later to the sound the the train whistle blow.

We have arrived at London and it felt good to be back. The air was more polluted and the factories were even more than I imagined they would be. For our final inspection before leaving the station, the guards once more, looked through our bags and we got past easily.

A man that looked like Mister Green's spy went over to us and took our bags from us and walked us to a carriage. I knew that it was already afternoon and the sky was already colored like fire. The street lights were being lit up, lighting the cobbles beneath it a light orange fade.

Old opened spaces that I got used to were either filled with houses or a warehouse. I hid a smile at the thought of being back here. But the thought of leaving Chry wiped it away and I tried my best to not cry in front of Mister Green. I would look weak in front of a very once-brutal Assassin, and it would lessen my reputation to his eyes. So even if I wanted to cry so bad, I kept in my tears and looked at the sky as it transformed from bright orange to a dark and smog-full abyss.

The place we stopped on was just near the station, but it felt like hours just to come. As much as I want to stay up and run through the rooftops while memorizing the area, I wanted to sleep as well. Which was very idiotic of me to do.

There were children on the other side of the street. Like the ones in Crawley, they were ragged and nearly all of them had no footwear. I knew that I still had left over food that was still fine to eat and took it out from my bag. As I walked over to them I got out a few shillings from my pocket. I gave the food to them and they all smiled. Nearly all of them went to the middle of their little circle but one.

It was a little boy around the age of nine. Like the others, he was ragged as well. But his form wasn't as thin as the others. He went over to me and surprisingly hugged my leg. This small act of his melted my heart, so I knelt down to match his height and hugged him back. When he pulled away, he had a little smile on his face which made me want to pinch his little nose, "What's your name, miss?" he asked "Kayla Rose Kincade, my dear.-" I said "what's yours?" I asked and he pouted.

"I don't know, Miss Kayla." I hardly remember what my parents look like.." he looked down at his feet "Why, what happened to them?" I asked "Men with knives and guns took them away from me a long time ago and left me alone here with my friends." I kept the anger of those who took his parents within me "Is it alright if I name you myself?" I asked and he looked up "Yes, please!" he smiled at me with bright blue eyes. I thought of a name for a while and snapped my fingers when I had a nice one for him "How about Jack Hiddleston?" I asked and he smiled at me "That would be great, Miss Kayla. Thank you!" I smiled at him and heard Mister Green calling out to me. I bid Jack farewell and patted his midnight black hair.

Mister Green thanked his spy and we took the last of our bags from the carriage. I suspected that the shop we stopped in front of was his hideout. Sure enough, it was. He had important business to attend to, so he left his bag on the counter and left me in my room. It was a shop downstairs and hallway that led to different rooms above it. Be fore leaving, he told me that my room was the farthest one to the left and I went there as told.

I opened the oak door in front of me and saw a neat room. A window was placed on the right side that showed the rooftops and the lantern-lit streets beneath me. Inside was a bed opposite to the window and bookshelves beside it. A desk stood in front of the window, but it didn't block the view outside. A few feet away from the bed was a closet with Assassin's robes inside. There was a note in front of it

'I thought that you may need a new one.'

-Mr. Green

The robes were all black and I couldn't help but smile. Like mine, the inside of it was civilian's clothes. But this one had more weapon holders inside. There was a revolver in one of the drawers inside the closet along with a few throwing knives and shells. I'll have to thank him for this in the morning..

I took a warn bath and dressed myself in my night clothes before the dim light of the candle died and went to sleep.

I was in a bed. My eyes blinked a couple of time before they could adjust to the brightness. When it was gone, I realized that I was in a bedroom, but not mine. Where am I?

A distant voice of a young girl and boy called out. "Mommy. Daddy. Wake up!" I looked around and saw a man on the bed beside me. But before I could see what his face looked like, everything went black.

The bloody hell was that about? I woke up to the sun shining through the window and early morning cries of women outside with their gossiping. Wheels of carriages and clopping horseshoes on the cobble ground made me finally get out of bed and get dressed. Civilian's clothes for now, since I would have to refresh my mind on the outlook of the land again.

DISCONTINUED!!  Partners From The Shadows (Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now