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Downstairs, Mister Green placed the food on the table. We greeted each other good morning and went on with eating our breakfast. "Thank you for the new robes and weaponry, Mister Green." I said as I cleaned my plate "No problem, Kayla. I saw that you needed one, so I decided to get it for you. It wasn't expensive, so I found one that fit you perfectly. The weapons came along with it, too." I nodded and placed the plate on its rightful rack.

"I'll be answering your questions later this evening before dinner. So I hope you'll be back by then." He said and I smiled. There were just a few more questions I had to ask him, yet they felt like millions to my head.

Before heading out, I told Mister Green that I would be back by afternoon. I think it that it should be enough for me to memorize everything here. Every building, alleyway, and road that surrounded me was memorized. I met a few of my old allies along the way and they said that they were glad that I was back here.

Midday came and I didn't even realize it. It wasn't as bright as Crawley's but a little bit hotter. I had to stop to rest on a high roof to cool myself for a little while. I also noticed that there were a lot of armed men in red uniforms of some sort. Yes, they were armed, but not they are not police officers. I'll have to ask Mister Green about these men later.

That was when I remembered about Jack yesterday. These men were armed and they seemed violent. My suspicion with them being the kidnappers of Jack's parents lifted a little bit.

The fifteenth hour came and I was in front of Clock Tower. The last time I came here, It was still being built. And here it is now, it stands quite high and I might set up a little hide out up there if I had the enough money to bribe someone to do it for me. I decided to scale the land from its highest point and go back to Mister Green's shop.

I went to the side of it where there were less people to none at all. Once the coast was clear, I started to climb the Tower and saw a stack of hay nearby that would be the cushion to my fall later. It was quite a climb, I have to say, but it felt good to have my strength gained back little by little while I got higher from the ground.

Halfway through the climb, I stopped for a short while to look at the surroundings. Clearly, no one would be able to notice me climbing here, since the shadow of the tower a few meters away gave me cover. It was nice and all, but the greed within me that wanted to climb higher pushed through me and I did so.

There was a little resting place before reaching the highest point. My body was aching, but I really wanted to reach the highest point of Clock Tower. Using my perfect balancing skills, I stood with one foot guarding me in place as I scanned the environment around me.

The air was colder up here and the sun has started to set. The time for asking Mister Green my questions came faster, so I took my last glance at the sight in front of me and did a leap of faith to the stack of hay. Wind fired angrily at my face, making tears swell up my eyes as i did the fall. This was by far, the highest leap I've ever done in my entire life. I landed properly on the hay and had a huge smile on my face as I got out.

I was glad that no one saw me do the leap, I didn't want to be asked if I were alright or not. Continuous questions that would be asked and might even reach the fucking newspaper when I wake up the following morning.

Going back to Mister Green's shop, I walked my way. My excitement to go around and remember everything overcame me and I completely forgot to bring my wallet with me. I sighed at my forgetfulness and went back to the shop with Mister Green waiting for me on the front desk where he sat and had his head stuck on a book about the Brotherhood.

He only noticed my presence when I went upstairs to take a bath. My entire body was sweating like a dog and it felt disgusting. "Meet me on the roof once you're done," he said looking up from his book and I nodded at him.

After getting my muscles relaxed by a warm dip on the tub, I got out my night clothes and let my hair free. Once done, I opened my window and went up to the roof where Mister Green was waiting for me. His brown complexion welcomed the rays of the moon above us as his hair flew back with the wind, he must have women after him already.. I'm saying it now, he is handsome, for an Indian Assassin..

I sat beside him and it was dead silent. He broke it when he said "Let us go with our questions." I nodded and exhaled deeply

"Did father send you to watch over me?"

"Yes, before he went back to your house, he told me to watch over you because he knew that he had the sickness."

"Were you as brutal as he told me?" he chuckled

"I am brutal, yes. But I do not have the heart of a killer. I've been a mere agent for my Master when I was younger."

"Who was your Master?" he was silent for a while

"His name is Ethan Frye."

"What is your real name?"

"I was born with the name of Jayadeep Mir."

"Who are the men and women wearing red clothes and are armed on the streets?"

"They are a gang called the Blighters."

And last but not the least "May I call you by your real name?"

"Yes, you may." I smiled and sat there while looking at the moon on the horizon.

"May I ask you a question, Kayla?"

"Go on."

"Who was that man calling out to you yesterday at the station?" my chest ached at the memory of Chry calling out to me.

"He is my only childhood best friend, Chry Dean." He nodded and exhaled

"May I ask one last?" I said and tried to keep my breath from shaking. He nodded

"Why are you the last Assassin in London?"

"Because five years back, when a friend of mine died in a Tunnel, I decided to stay here like in a prison."

"I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, Kayla."

I looked down at my feet that hanged on the edge of the roof and Jayadeep patted my back. "You should go to sleep now. I've got something for you to do tomorrow morning." I nodded at him and climbed down to my window and went straight to bed.


Hey guys!

I might not be able to update as fast as I can right now soon because school will be back next week, Tuesday and my time for writing this fanfic will be lessened. Also this might not be a burden to me, since no one is probably reading this right now. 

Reading or not, I will not be as fast in updating and probably will go back to normal when Summer Break arrives. 


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