Percy (1)

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Okay I didn't want to die.

That's the first thing.

The second is I never wanted to be brought back.

My 'name' is Lady of the Sea. Or as I prefer to be called Percy. Because unlike the others 'Manny' *cough* Artemis *cough* brought back I remember my whole life.

Every single godsdamn moment.

You see after the Giant War Annabeth betrayed me.

She told the gods I worked with Gaea. Against the people I had helped save less than a year prior.

There was a vote. My father, the twins, Hestia, Hermes, and Hades proclaimed my innocence. But Zeus would have nothing of it.

Now I'm dead. I had such a loving family didn't I?

'Manny' explained that she, sorry he, chose Guardians to protect the world from Pitch.

So now I'm flying over the ocean on a sea breeze. A small fishing boat was in a still.

Two men and a teenage boy trapped in a pocket of calm water and air.

I don't know why but I help out these trapped vessels.

I landed on the deck of the ship. They were raising the mainsail trying to catch some wind.

Yeah sail boat. Outdated but for some this is all they can afford.

I stirred up the water in the air creating a steady breeze pushing them back towards the island.

Then, a current 'mysteriously' appeared under the boat.

Being the Lady of the Sea means I have just as much control over water as I did before but now I can take control of water my dad is holding and vice versa.

The teen turned around and saw me disappear in a burst of water vapor.

I like the smaller villages, its easy enough to write a small legend about myself and sneak it in there.

So anyway I traveled to Bermuda, like father like daughter I guess.

I sat on the beach away from the water. The water here was really choppy. Dad must be mad about my death.

Anyway I was relaxing when the air got really cold. I swear if Khione is messing with Bermuda...

Frost appeared momentarily before it melted in the heat.

"Guys there's some sort of power here, it might be her but I can't stay long. Hot weather is not my style." A voice drifted on a chilly wind.

Okay scratch what I said earlier. If eidolons are messing with Bermuda...

But strangely I didn't get the feeling of someone breathing down my neck.

Who cares. They can't bother me now.

I stood up brushing the sand off my jeans.

I walked through the streets, no one spotting me because they didn't believe.

I was minding my own business when a boy around seventeen ran into me.

He had snow white hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a sweatshirt and brown knit pants, its much too warm for that type of clothing.

Ugh. Percy here. Ever since I was brought back I've been a bit more what's the word, eloquent with my speech. Back to the story.

"Hi?" He said. When he spoke his breath misted, like he was colder than the surrounding air.

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now