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The water started to recede and Percy walked up to the dining pavilion.

"Well. That was...interesting." I measured out.

My girlfriend smiled. "You should see half the stuff we demigods go through."

I shook my head before pulling her against me. I really don't.

I don't know why, but she seems so vulnerable.

"I love you." She sighed out.

I placed a hand on the back of her head. "I love you more."

"I know how this is going to go so I'm not going to argue."

She just seems exhausted. And that last sentence kinda proved that.

"I'm pretty sure you should eat Percy. You didn't really eat much this morning." Leo walked over with a girl I've seen a few times.

Percy turned her head to look at them.

"Sup Valdez? Hey Calypso."

So that's what her name is.

"Hey Percy." Calypso said.

Then she seemed to take in how she looked.

"Are you okay?"

Percy nodded. "Yeah."

Calypso rolled her eyes. "That's such a lie."

"You always could see through me Caly. You're better at it than my dad."

"But seriously you need to eat Water Girl."

"What did you just call me?!"

"Uh. Nothing!" The son of Hephaestus yelled.

"That's what I thought."

"Eat." I pressed.

She looked up at me.

"I'm serious."

She laughed. "You? Serious?"

I sighed and lifted her up bridal style causing her to shriek.


"Nope. You need to eat. You're light."

I walked over and sat her on the bench at the Poseidon table.

"I swear." She shook her head with a tiny laugh.

Grabbing a plate, she summoned a pile of blue spaghetti and blue pasta sauce.

Apparently there's a reason behind this.

And apparently the Seven, veteran demigods, and guests are the only ones who get to use the enchanted plates.

Which kinda makes sense if you think about it.

Because the guests supposedly have certain rights.

And the Seven are veteran demigods who lead the fight in the last war.

And demigods who survived both wars are rare.

Hey. Don't give me that look.

Travis and Conner are more helpful than you think.

Especially when you just got terrified by an Olympian.

Sitting beside Percy I wrapped an arm around her waist.

I don't know how this war is going to go.

But...I hope nothing happens to her.

She looked at me. "Jack. I need to sacrifice some."

Percy The GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now