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Sally just stared at me in disbelief.

Then after she processed the information...

She let out some words the could have made Arion blush.

Honestly? I never knew that she knew those words.

But here's the simplified, cleaner version.

"That bastard! If I had know that I wouldn't have stayed with him! I would of found some other way to protect Percy!"

Paul was either processing the news, or his wife's cussing ability.

Because he dropped his pen and was just sitting there.

I'm just going take their reactions as a no.

"Wait. How'd you find out?" Sally looked at me.

Even after seventeen years she was  beautiful. But she's married now, and I'm not going to be my brother.


"Is she okay?!" Sally asked in alarm.

"Yeah she's okay. Well. Physically."

"Poseidon, this is our daughter. You had better start giving me straight answers."

I gulped. She can be terrifying.

"Physically, she's fine. Mentally, she's not. She's finally opening up to me, and..." I paused.

"Frankly, I'm terrified for our daughter."

Sally frowned. "Why?

I pulled out a chair and sat.

"She's a lot more broken than any of us thought. Most of us just assumed she'd feel some grief from the deaths of her friends."

I sighed. "We were so wrong. She is completely shattered."

I looked at Sally, who was biting her lip.

"She hides it well though. The only reason I know about any of this is she..." I have no idea how Sally will take this.

"What? Did she do something?" Paul asked, having processed the information.

"According to Artemis, she tried to kill herself when she was made immortal. Artemis managed to stop her. When I asked her about it, she told me she was happy my brother killed her."

Sally sank onto a chair. "What else?"

"What else what?"

"What else did she tell you?"

Oh. I dipped my head.

"She didn't really say much else that night. I made a comment on how she'd hide stuff even if it killed her. She ended up breaking down then."

Sally sighed and mumbled something. I swear she said, "I know where she gets that from." But I'm not going to ask what she meant.

"The rest..." I hesitated. She's just now trusting me. I don't know if telling Sally would break that.

And I don't want to break it.

"You don't want to break her trust, do you?" Sally asked; I nodded.

"Can't blame you. After Luke...she  refused to trust anybody. On the outside she seemed to. But when you're around her for awhile you start to notice it."

"And after Bianca and Zoë, she started thinking everyone she trusts gets hurt. Or killed."

I stared at her.

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