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I woke up and simply stared at the ceiling.

He's a liar. My father doesn't give a schist about me.

Neither does Jack. Or any of them.

Luke... he's a traitor. He doesn't deserve mercy.

The door opened. "You are awake?"

Lord Kronos stood in the doorway, his gold eyes softer than usual.

He cares about me. He took me away from the people who are using me.

"Lord Kronos." I sat up before standing.

"No no no. Lay back down my grandchild. This is not an official call. I was simply checking in on you."

"My apologies my Lord." I apologized before following his directions.

"No need to apologize, since no offense was taken."

He walked over to my bed and sat down.

"It is amazing what Pitch can do isn't it? Even if he can lose because of a brat not believing in him. But still, he managed to bring you here from within your dream. The gods are probably freaking out that they lost their weapon." Lord Kronos gently smiled down at me, running his fingers through my hair.

"But enough about that, why are you awake? Did Pitch's powers give you a nightmare?"

I simply shrugged, not speaking.

He sighed. "You can speak."

"I don't remember what it was. But I don't feel like it was anything good."

His bright gold eyes searched mine for a minute. "Do you remember anything? Anything at all? A feeling perhaps? A color? Anything at all. It could be important."

I tried to remember.

But try as I might, I couldn't dream up an answer.

I shook my head.

"Okay then." Lord Kronos shook his head. "If you don't remember then you don't remember. But I'd you do remember something, please tell me."

"Of course."

Lord Kronos seemed to think for a second.

And then he swung his legs up onto my bed, laying down next to me.

"My Lord?" I questioned. This is very weird.

Weird and uncomfortable.

Really really uncomfortable.

"Relax, you are my grandchild. I simply want to make an attempt at filling that role for you."

He sighed once more. "My children were warranted for hating me I suppose. I wasn't the greatest father I'll admit. What kind of father devours his own children?"

Then he chuckled. "Me I suppose. But it is better than what my father did to me and my siblings. I am a hypocrite with my older siblings sure. But with us younger children?"

"Our father was horrible to us. As I know you know all about with your step-father."

"Why didn't you try to be a better father to them?" I looked over at him.

He pulled me against him. "I was scared. Scared to lose the power I had gained when we finally overthrew our father. Which backfired."

I nestled against him, nuzzling his shirt.

"You also enjoyed messing with time and mortals for fun."

"Yeah... Don't have much of an explanation for that. Aside from the power goes to your head makes you go crazy thing."

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