Poseidon (25)

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I knocked on the cabin door, which was covered in marks, like it had multiple weapons thrown at it.

Knowing which cabin this is makes that very possible.

The door opened revealing one of my favorite nephews.

"Hey Uncle P. What'd you need?" Hermes asked, both of us ducking as a stink bomb flew over us.

"Chris! Why'd you do that?!"

"Cause I didn't want to be smelling skunk!"

"It was mink spray! Not skunk!"

"It still smells!"

"Quiet down in there!" Hermes yelled over his shoulder. The opposite happened.

He sighed and shook his head, causing me to chuckle.


"This is when I'm glad I only have a daughter."

Hermes groaned. "What did you need again?"

"I need to speak to Jack Frost." I said. He smiled.

"Let me guess...threaten him, make him ruin his pants, then send him back here? All because he's dating Percy?"

I nodded.

"Cool. I kinda want to get in on this but I have enough to worry about right now."

"Like making sure your kids don't kill each other?"

"Yep. Hey Frost! Someone here to see you!" He yelled into the cabin. "Oh and you might want to bring a change of pants!"

Laughter could be heard until either Travis or Connor stuck their head out and quickly ducked back inside.

Soon enough Jack was thrown out with fifteen pairs of pants.

Seriously? They gave him that many? Wow. They must have adopted him as a brother.

The door slammed shut.

Jack stood with the help of his staff and he looked at the pile of clothes.

"Please tell me I won't need all of these."

"No promises. Walk with me." I started towards the arena.

Jack followed beside me.

"Do you love my daughter?" I asked as we neared Mrs O'Leary.

"Yes." Jack looked nervous.

"Good. I think you should meet her dog."

"She has a dog?" Jack asked.

I nodded before whistling.

There was a low growl and Jack looked like he wet himself, or really wanted to.

Glowing red eyes blinked back at us.

"That is Mrs O'Leary. Camp Half-Blood's resident hellhound and the only tame one in existence."

The garbage truck sized monster walked over and sniffed Jack before licking him.

"Uck. Dog slobber." He wiped his face.

"She's the size of a garbage truck. Now imagine a dog who makes her look like a puppy. And it has three heads. And is very deadly."

I smiled as Jack's face morphed into one of horror.

"Now imagine a serpent longer than a war ship. With rows of fangs and acidic spit. That is my pet sea serpent Sandy."

Jack gulped. I really enjoy the shovel talk don't you?

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